
If the NRA has its way on gun control …

It’s a weekday at the Follis household, and 12-year-old non-identical twins Button and Pout are headed downstairs — getting ready for school. This morning, the girls are being “difficult...

Shooting from the lip

The following editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Monday, Jan. 10...

Is your boss ripping you off?

A virtually unnoticed crime wave is under way. The perps are our most respected citizens. The crime is wage theft. This happens when you aren’t paid the minimum wage or overtime, are forced to work off the clock, denied meal breaks, have your tips pocketed by the ...

A fracking credibility gap

On Nov. 6, the city charter of Longmont banned fracking from its city limits...

For kids’ health, Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel both deserve the...

As part of an effort to snuff out youth smoking, selling candy-, fruit- and spice-flavored cigarettes is now illegal in the United States...

Another water battle to keep an eye on

While citizens of Boulder and Larimer counties battle horizontal fracking and the mess associated with it, countless communities in Latin America, Asia and Africa are trying to stop open-pit mega-mining in order to save their water...

One good treaty deserves another

As world leaders gather in...

A fracking threat to children

We’ve all seen (or at least heard of) the movie Erin Brockovich, in which a bold and fiercely determined mom takes on a chemical company for exposing a small town and the families and children that live there to toxic chemicals that have been linked to cancer. It’s ...

Taking care of our least fortunate

In 1992, Rush Limbaugh ridiculed Boulder Mayor Leslie Durgin for saying, “We don’t want to become the kind of community where everyone is white, upper-middle class. ... We really want to have a diverse community...

Limit corporate welfare

Tea party politicians are denounced for their dangerous antics, but their doomsday warnings about profligate government spending are the conventional wisdom of the so-called “moderates” of big business, the mainstream media and too many politicians of both parties (...

Tycoons and their taxes

Corporate fat cats are prowling the halls of Congress and scratching up all the furniture. These tycoons are peddling the old line that if they get tax cuts and subsidies, they will create jobs for us. That hasn’t worked yet. They say ordinary Americans should “lower...

Continue saying no to nukes

Climate change is the biggest challenge human beings have ever faced. We don’t have much time to deal with it. Unfortunately, political transformation is usually a slow process...