The silent jobless
Jobs are slowly coming back, but that’s small comfort to more than 13 million Americans who remain unemployed. For every current job opening, four people are still looking for a job. Many others have given up even trying to find work...
Boulder County Democrats in conflict
A recent Pew survey states that 50 percent of conservative voters and 35 percent of progressives say that it’s important to live where most people share their political views. In Colorado, this political self-segregation is seen in the stark differences between ...
U.S. needs to be on side of Egyptian people
I’m Egyptian, and like every other Egyptian person I know, I have been mesmerized and inspired by the images of the Egyptian people rising up...
Single-payer health care is the answer
President Obama sold single-payer health care short in his speech to Congress. It's actually the only sensible solution to our health care crisis...
The impacts of privatizing the turnpike
"We are privatizing ourselves into one disaster after another,” veteran journalist Ted Koppel said recently on NPR. “We’ve privatized a lot of what our military is doing. We’ve privatized a lot of what our intelligence agencies are doing. We’ve privatized our very ...
Remembering the real dream
Every January on Martin Luther King Day, people across the political spectrum claim King as one of their own. Few remember that he had become a pariah in mainstream politics in his last days. He was widely condemned for his opposition to the Vietnam War. Right-...
Danish is wrong on guns
In his op-ed “Repeal the 2nd Amendment? How about the First?” (Dec. 27), Paul Danish erroneously tries to equate my call to repeal the Second Amendment with censorship and then disingenuously suggests that if the Second Amendment is repealed then the First Amendment ...
For kids’ health, Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel both deserve the...
As part of an effort to snuff out youth smoking, selling candy-, fruit- and spice-flavored cigarettes is now illegal in the United States...
Tycoons and their taxes
Corporate fat cats are prowling the halls of Congress and scratching up all the furniture. These tycoons are peddling the old line that if they get tax cuts and subsidies, they will create jobs for us. That hasn’t worked yet. They say ordinary Americans should “lower...
ALEC’s attack on renewables arrives in Colorado
America’s solar industry supplies less than 1 percent of the electricity in the U.S. but has experienced explosive growth. Unfortunately, there’s growing opposition from the utilities. A recent study by utilities think tank the Edison Electric Institute candidly ...
FCC breaks Obama’s promise on net neutrality
On Dec. 21, the FCC passed new rules — written by corporations — that will end net neutrality. For the first time in history, the U.S. government approved corporate censorship of the Internet, putting the future of online free speech at risk. Unbelievably, the person...