Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

Eggnog Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce

I’m hitting the sauce in this column. I mean, why should this week be any different than last...

Keeping courtship and commitment

Dear Dr. Jenni, I’m always the one initiating sex with my wife, and it’s getting old being told no, since she never wants to do it as often as I do. I’ve tried different approaches, but what advice would you give to get her in the mood more often? Or should I just ...

Consider books over toys this season

In this fast-paced, high-tech age of newfangled gizmos and gadgets, when all that kids seem to want is the latest video game or highpriced toy of the month, sometimes it’s good to get back to basics...

Kids raise funds for shelters after dog euthanized

Two Superior-area children, saddened by having to put their dog to sleep, have launched a fundraiser to help pets at animal shelters get adopted more quickly, so that fewer are euthanized...

Holiday fun indoors and out

There’s a lot going on this time of year, and we’re not just talking about shopping and holiday parties. Boulder offers a plethora of events and activities for families in December...

Terrorist or freedom fighter?

Newt Gingrinch has accused him of “information terrorism” and said he should be treated like an enemy combatant. Radio personality and columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner has said the United States should treat him as they would any other high-profile terrorist target. And ...

Rules of Antibiotic Use

Dear Pharmacist,Recently, when I had some dental work done, the dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics. By the end of the week, my stomach really hurt. Could antibiotics cause that? --M.S. Sanibel, FloridaAnswer: Pretty darned likely! Antibiotics do a great ...

Orange Zest Cranberry Bread

Out of all the berries out there, cranberries seem to fit the bill, no matter what time of year...

Name your penis

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Marriage 2.0

 When the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a lower court decision to overturn California’s Proposition 8 — as it almost certainly will — it will be a victory not only for gays and lesbians, who will once again have the right to marry in California, but for ...

Geared up for the holidays

Expensive mountaineering gear is not generally where you want to drop a lot of cash on a trendy item. There are a few items popping up in outdoor stores this year that may last longer than this year’s snowfall, but the debate is still on over rocker skis...

The hottest in gaming this season

With so many games coming out during the holiday season, it’s tough to decide which ones to get into. And at $60 a pop, it’s pretty depressing to get stuck with a game that’s subpar. So we’re here to help and offer our list of the 10 best games this season...