Denial is not just a river in Egypt
Monica blew Bill. Mark masqueraded to Argentina. Elliott entertained an escort. Tiger transgressed with many, then crashed into a tree...
Relieve Sore, Achy Muscles Fast
Dear Pharmacist, I moved some furniture last weekend and my muscles are still sore. This happens every time I exert myself, even from walking around the block. My muscles aren’t as resilient as in years past. What can I do or take? --M.J. Decatur, IllinoisAnswer: ...
10 Tips for Back to School Cough & Cold
Dear PharmacistI dread that my son is going back to school because it means that he will catch a cold and remain constantly sick until Thanksgiving. We will all get sick as a result! Please make suggestions to keep our family well? --C.S., Gainesville, Florida ...
Don’t Be the Fungus Among Us
Dear Pharmacist,One of my toenails has developed a yellowish-green fungus that won’t go away. Can you help? --A.M., Boulder, ColoradoAnswer: Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is not merely an unsightly cosmetic problem, it sometimes causes physical pain, disfigurement ...
Sloppy seconds
Meet John, a lanky, redhaired math major at CU. He scopes out the party with fraternity brother Ron, a more widely built and brown-haired guy. They take a few swigs from their bottles of Fat Tire before they finally notice Katie, a petite brunette with green eyes...