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2014 Leadville behind Jeff Dahl

Cowboys and ski bums



Local support

Kim Larson’s shop in Lafayette may raise some eyebrows from passersby — and cheers from those burdened with heaving bosoms...

Boulder Mountainbike Alliance launches new website

The Boulder Mountainbike Alliance was formed in 1991 (originally called the Boulder Offroad Alliance) to give mountain bikers a unified voice in matters pertaining to Boulder County trail use. As advocates of responsible trail patronage, the organization has ...

Photos: Big Air event in Denver

Denver’s Big Air event on Tuesday night certainly lived up to the name...

Big Air

There are lots of jumps that can rival the buildings in downtown Denver for height — but not many that are actually right next to those buildings...

Exploring Colorado’s backcountry huts

Europe’s first backcountry huts were ugly, practical things, hastily made by shepherds who sought shelter from harsh mountain storms. With the onset of winter, the flocks would be brought to lower elevations and the mountain shelters would be all but forgotten for ...

Knock on wood

Wood One of the most basic building materials known to humans, wood is the foundation of skis and snowboards. This versatile, beautiful material was used for the first skis. The legendary Austrian pioneer of downhill skiing, Arnold Lund, perfected the first alpine ...

Beating the Bloat

You’ve enjoyed the holidays...

Prevent meltdowns on the slopes

Skiing can be fun for the whole family, but it takes a little work. The key to introducing your kids to skiing or snowboarding is to take it slow...

Sierra Designs Rad Jacket

Let’s hear it for an affordable breathable jacket designed to take more abuse than Dan Hawkins. The Hawk may have taken a forced knee, but the new Rad hardshell from Sierra Designs won’t no matter the outdoor elements beatdown...

Winter riding

Colorado is a blessed state. Take, for example, Boulder’s easy living. This November and December have seen big snows in the mountains. But we’ve hardly had to lift a shovel of the white stuff down here in B-Town. For mountain bikers, that’s a good thing. After all, ...

Get in step with snowshoeing

The human foot is poorly designed for travel through deep snow. Just ask anyone who has spent a frustrating afternoon plunging through waist-high powder...

The stash

Powder is where you find it...