Tag: sep 05 2019 issue

The Opium Wars and the revenge of the Middle Kingdom

File this under: “What goes around comes around on the great One Belt, One Road of life.” From a Sept. 2 Reuters story: “U.S. officials...

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3

Experiences with edibles can vary wildly, even when following instructions on the box. Sure, some strains are headier than others, but researchers in Oakland,...

This Small Skull Once Belonged

I have never felt connected to anything, not even my own body. I am trying  to remember the last time I felt  I did not have to...


My hand slipped from the hold. I peeled away from the rock and watched as my alpine draw engaged, unexpectedly extended and snapped away...

High country defelonization

Isaac Aragon was arrested in 1998 with a half-ounce of marijuana on him. He was 14 at the time, and cannabis hadn’t even been...

New in brew: Suds flowing down the Front Range

Two University of Colorado grads are coming back to Boulder, beer-wise that is. Sharing a passion for punk rock, Jason zumBrunnen and Scott Kaplan became fast...

Letters: 9/5/19

Careless journalism Dyer: You are an intelligible writer, and your article, “The perils of forgotten history” (Re: Buzz, Aug. 29, 2019) contained a good...

Her show

For some, equality is a game of mathematics: Clinical, sterile and dull. But, high up in the Rocky Mountains at the Telluride Film Festival,...

White people, Republicans and class

Class has been America’s dirty little secret. We have been told that we are a classless society. Tycoons and politicians regularly adopt an “everyman”...

Rebel with a cause

In Swahili, the word ujamaa means “familyhood.” Some translate it as “extended family” or “brotherhood,” but for Tanzanian natives like Robert Oyugi, it’s a...

Two fall concerts, three in spring for Takács Quartet

The University of Colorado’s Takacs String Quartet, one of Boulder’s musical treasures, will play a program of music by Mozart, Bartók and Dvořák Sunday...

Physical ideal

Dear Dan: I don’t listen to your podcast religiously, but as soon as I told my best friend this story, she said, “That’s a...