Tag: Sep 01 2016 issue

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Go away, Chris Brown The human pile of garbage known as Chris Brown has proven once again that he should move to a deserted island...

Banning uranium mining; Dropping grid-use fee

Colorado rally adds to voices calling to ban uranium mining in the Grand Canyon On Aug. 23 in Fort Collins, environmentalists from Environment Colorado joined...

The science of justice

Turn on any channel and you’re quick to find a crime show, be it Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Bones or...

Legalization 2016 — the order of battle

Barring last minute legal thunderbolts, the stage is set for this year’s marijuana legalization initiatives. Five states — California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine —...

Letters: 9/1/2016

A Russian-friendly president is wise The article “Putin’s Got A Friend in Trump” by Dave Anderson (Aug. 11, 2016) misses the most vital issue regarding...

How to steal an election without really trying

Step one: Get a group of buddies together, make it the kind of people who’d enjoy traveling First Class together, or maybe sharing a...

Why the anti-fracking initiatives failed

The anti-fracking petition drives did not fail for lack of institutional support from environmental organizations. According to the Denver Post, the petitioners were backed by...

Why can’t our economy promote equality and shared prosperity?

You don’t have to be in “Who’s Who” to know what’s what. For example, if a tiny group of Wall Street bankers, billionaires and...