Tag: Oct 05 2017 issue

On 50th anniversary, founders of Boulder’s open space program look to...

On Oct. 12, 1967, City of Boulder voters made history. In approving an “open space sales tax,” Boulder became the first U.S. municipality to...

Don’t forget about NAFTA

By now it’s well understood that Trump will do anything to help corporations make money. The current effort to rewrite the North American Free...

Bernie’s foreign policy looking better everyday

Filmmaker Michael Moore says Trump “will take us to war.” He’s afraid that centrist liberals and the mainstream media will support him like they...

Should churches become unholy temples of dark money?

You know what’s wrong with American politics? It’s that there just aren’t enough ways for giant corporations and mega-rich political donors to funnel their...

Burning up: A blunt message from an old stoner to new...

With July’s arrival of Oregon’s pot legalization came legitimization. Pot legitimacy this time around came not through the part-time fig leaf called medical marijuana....

Marijuana and the geezer mouse

I missed this yarn when it flew by last May, but it’s too good to pass on. Everyone knows that marijuana use can affect your memory....

Astrology 10/5/17

ARIES March 21-April 19: You wouldn’t expect a five-year-old child to paint a facsimile of Picasso’s “Guernica” or sing Puccini’s opera, La Boheme. Similarly, you...

Off Target: Part 9

On Sept. 11, the State of Colorado filed a brief in response to the lawsuit brought against the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife’s...

It’s bad

Dear Dan: I’m a 22-year-old straight male dating a 23-year-old woman. This is by far the most sexual relationship I’ve been in, which is...