Tag: jul 09 2020 issue

What to do when there’s ‘nothing’ to do…

VIRTUAL EVENTS A Ladies Virtual Happy Hour — presented by Colorado Mountain School. 6 p.m. Thursday, July 9. Connect with other women who love the outdoors...

Local Theater Company gears up for season 10 with a new...

The pandemic isn’t always a destructive fire; sometimes it’s regenerative, like a wildfire clearing out debris on the forest floor. For Local Theater Company, disaster...

Unexpected capitalism on the Oregon Trail

His name is Figowitz, but everyone calls him “Cookie.” It fits him well. Not only is he the cook for this outfit of beaver...

Home viewing: ‘The Lady Eve’

Let us be crooked but never common,” Colonel Harrington urges his daughter, Jean. He’s played by Charles Coburn, grand in every meaning of the...

Tour de brew: Busey Brews

Nederland’s newest brewery isn’t even a year old, and it’s already a winner. At least that’s what Boulder Weekly Best Of voters think: The...

Drink this: Busey Brews’ Tropical Staycation Juicy IPA

A) You’re not going anywhere this summer. B) Beerin’ just ain’t what it used to be. Every brewery in Boulder County is trying to...

Blackbelly/Santo owners build momentum in search for cure

Blackbelly/Santo owner and chef Hosea Rosenberg and his wife, Lauren, found out earlier this year their 3-year-old daughter, Sophie, had a rare genetic disorder,...

Letters: July 9, 2020

On the fracking moratorium Our elected officers have an inherent duty to protect our quality of life. Water is life. On Tuesday, July 14 at...

Predicting the future: The internet and two old poems

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”  —Yogi Berra Back in 1984 or 1985, the late Jerry Pournelle, sci-fi writer, futurist, computer geek...

Sixth annual 101-word fiction contest

The 101-word fiction contest has become one of our favorite traditions here at Boulder Weekly. It’s a chance for us to read the best...

Try this week: Almond Coconut Danish @ Shamane’s Bakery and Cafe

Just try to walk into Shamane’s Bakery and Cafe, a cozy spot nestled in a plaza behind the old Boulder Beer location, and leave...

A beleaguered food industry asks Congress for help

Here’s the price-tag to bail out the U.S. food industry following the massive disruption caused by the pandemic: $120 billion. To start, at least. On July...