Tag: cover2

No chasm to cross

If we’re to trust Thurston Moore, “Rock stars can’t be poets, which sucks.” The line is from a poem by Moore titled “By The Lightswitch.”...

Poll: Americans want environmental methane reduced

A poll conducted by the American Lung Association (ALA) reveals that people want oil and gas companies to better control the leakage of methane into...

The thoughtful sisters

Eva Holbrook is sitting in the bedroom of her childhood home outside of Fort Collins when we touch base via phone. She’s there for a...

Now I gotta cut loose

It’s possible when Footloose was first created, it meant to serve as a metaphor about art prevailing in times of tyrannical control. It could...

In pursuit of waffles

Iva Paleckova spent half a year developing the waffle batter for Blooming Beets Kitchen. Waffles are a little trickier when they’re not only gluten-free...

Finn d’epoque

Pollen season seems to be getting the best of Neil Finn when Boulder Weekly catches him on a day off at home in Auckland,...

Power play

Kalia Motley grew up in a world of nostalgia. Her mom was a connoisseur of vintage clothing and her dad a jazz musician. Through...

Solar cries foul over new Xcel proposal

This Thursday, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will open its doors for a public hearing on Xcel Energy’s proposed changes to its rate...

A journey through memory

Walking into Sweet & Lucky is like walking into a life-sized living diorama — as if the glass at a museum is removed and...

Once a year on the prairie

Boulder’s orchestras like to present nature in their programming. In Kansas, they like to present their programming in nature. Symphony in the Flint Hills is...

‘Hockney’ takes a look inside the mind of a painter

I’m interested in ways of looking, and trying to think of it in simple ways,” David Hockney says. “Everybody does look, it’s a question...

The splif passes to The Invisible Hand

The Idea Fairy and I had just taken the brownies out of the oven when there was a thunderous pounding on the door that...