Tag: apr 23 2020 issue

‘Hope and the Odds Make Poor Bedfellows,’ JL

The celebration in Wuhan is a galaxy of lights.The temporary hospitals are torn down, the mallsare reopened. A man fixes his daughter’s maskby a...

Cultivating communities of care

In this world, there are winners and there are losers. It’s survival of the fittest, and only the strongest survive. By this point in...

What to do when there’s ‘nothing’ to do

If you are organizing an event (virtual or otherwise), please email Caitlin at [email protected] Louisville Public Library Virtual Compost Workshop. 6 p.m. Thursday, April 23. Backyard composting...

News roundup: Boulder City Council and other news

Boulder City Council votes against online petition signature gathering At its virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 21, Boulder City Council voted against an emergency order...


ARIES March 21-April 19: In the future, when the coronavirus crisis has a diminished power to disrupt our lives, I would love for you to...

Heavy Rotation — An Ode to Fiona

One of the most joyful experiences of this pandemic, for me, has been watching the internet celebrate Fiona Apple’s first new album in eight...

The future of our survival

As friends and colleagues watched their bank accounts inflate by $1,200 (or more, depending on the size of their family) in mid-April, my husband...

Local homeless services still looking for solutions, volunteers

It’s been a little more than a month since the reality of the coronavirus pandemic really began to sink in, and local and state...

Mental health resources

It can be hard to remember what day it is. Boundaries between work, home, family, friends are all a big blur. Some of us have...

Big moves

Dear Dan: I was raised in a religious home and didn’t lose my virginity until the embarrassing age of 26. I was told by...

Celebrating 4/20 in the time of the virus

You know that fantasy you always had about being snowed in for a month and having nothing to do but smoke ganja all the...

The great divorce: The People of Colorado v. the State

When I was a boy, my dad took me and my twin sister and brothers to see the demolition of the Omaha-Grant Smoke Stack...