Tag: Apr 13 2017 issue

Here and there: Part 3

Editor’s note — We first met and reported on the Guerrero family in January 2015. Luis was being held in detention while his wife...

Until our dying day

Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not...

A constant kick in the ass

With a studio album, For All Kings, having arrived last year, Anthrax is following up a fall tour opening for Slayer with a current...

Diluting toxic masculinity?

What’s the first thought that pops into your head when you hear the term “toxic masculinity”? Perhaps it’s one of many mass shootings perpetrated by...

Roots and Shoots

Marc Bekoff, as my grandmother would say, is a card. He’s the definition of good-natured with an easy smile. He’s quick to lovingly tease,...

Letters: 4/13/17

Keep up the great work Thank you for the piece on Luis, Sophia, and their family . It’s important to link faces and names to...

Could anti-frackers derail renewable energy?

I learned a new word this week, the mere mention of which may cause the heads of anti-frackers to blow up all over Boulder County. The...

How can we stop banksters from robbing us?

In an insightful song about outlaws, Woody Guthrie wrote this verse: “As through this world I travel/I see lots of funny men/Some’ll rob you...

He’s bi and that’s ok; The sex could be better

Dear Dan: My BF and I have been dating for two years. He’s 21; I’m 20 (and female). When I noticed my boyfriend wanted...

The endless rhythm of the night

Have you every wondered why memories from your high school and college years always seem the clearest? The fondest? Back in the day, music...

A true auteur

When the French writers for Cahiers du cinema coined the term “auteur” in the late ’50s, they envisioned an author of motion pictures —...

Women in classical music

Sometimes a cliché is true. For example, for women entering the field of classical music, there’s some good news and some bad news. First the...