The Anderson Files

Democracy isn’t corny but essential for equitable & decent society

Are the Republicans going crazy? They are banning books, criminalizing abortion, attacking public school teachers who talk about racism, passing anti-LGBT laws and indiscriminately...

Schumer, Manchin and a green future

Recently, UN Secretary General António Guterres warned that fossil-fuel driven climate chaos is ravaging the planet. He said, “We have a choice. Collective action...

Sorry, we created a world dumb enough for Trump

Hurricane Trump presents us with a peculiar sort of national emergency. Every day, the Bullshitter-in-Chief deploys a blizzard of lies, half-truths, conspiracy theories and...

RFK Jr.’s anti-vax, MAGA-parroting ’60s nostalgia campaign

Moments after President John F. Kennedy was murdered in 1963, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was frantically making phone calls trying to find out...

Economists agree with Bernie

The popularity of Bernie Sanders marks “the end of the politico-ideological cycle opened by the victory of Ronald Reagan at the 1980 elections,” according...

Trickle-up economics

We are facing two national emergencies: rampant economic inequality and a looming environmental Armageddon. Events in France indicate the need to deal with both...

It’s the health care, stupid

The United States currently has the highest per-capita health care expenditures in the world, yet we rank last among 11 developed countries for health...

Lessons from Nixon and Kent State

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming Four dead in Ohio. — Neil Young, “Ohio” Something ugly...

Middle East meltdown

The illegal airstrikes by the United States, Britain and France seem to be more of a publicity stunt to demonstrate the moral virtue of...

Democracy or unfettered capitalism?

The constant chaos promoted by Trump is exhausting. But that’s the point. It is designed to create so much confusion and anxiety that you...

Populism: bigoted scapegoating or multiracial progressivism?

Populism isn’t a coherent ideology, argues John Judis, but “a way of thinking” about politics that can be employed by the left, right or...

Free market fundamentalism and COVID-19

The world turns upside down a couple times a day. As I write this, President Trump has caught COVID-19 and is benefiting from “socialized...