The Anderson Files

Trump exposes liberal ignorance of the working class

The working class is invisible in this country much of the time. But in election years, the white folks in this demographic are discussed...

The doublespeak of The Donald

Many in the mainstream media talk about how similar Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are. Supposedly they are both “anti-establishment” populist candidates who are...

A global New Deal

The two major parties will have to change, or they are likely to be changed by voters who have had enough,” the Reverend Jesse...

Beware the corporate takeover

“Bernie’s where the Democrats need to be. He’s speaking to fears that working families have about the future, but he’s not dividing people the...

CU needs to give Nike a swift kick

A university should be a critic and conscience of society, according to an old-fashioned view. There are lofty goals on campus plaques and universities...

Good judgment or Clinton

There hasn’t been much serious debate about foreign policy in the presidential race. The Republicans promise endless war and offer only bluster and B.S....

Syria: A different perspective

Five years ago, the people of Syria rebelled in peaceful protests for political freedom and social justice, which were inspired by the “Arab Spring”...

The path to a Bernie victory

Bernie Sanders can win. On Super Tuesday, Clinton won in “red” conservative states of the South, which Democrats will lose in the general election,...

Economists agree with Bernie

The popularity of Bernie Sanders marks “the end of the politico-ideological cycle opened by the victory of Ronald Reagan at the 1980 elections,” according...

Environmental transformation or a future of Katrinas

Naomi Klein says we had an opportunity for big changes in 2008 after the financial crisis hit and Barack Obama was elected president. She...

Bernie-bashing Brock

As Bernie Sanders has become increasingly popular, the Hillary Clinton campaign has gone on the attack. That’s fine, but it would be nice if...

The Anderson file: Poetry on a mission

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the celebrated poet and publisher of Beat Generation writers, argued in an essay in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1999 that poetry...