‘Illegal aliens’ crush the U.S.
(Re: “No man’s land,” cover story, Dec. 3.) Your article on students who are illegal aliens (no, I’m not going to use the euphemism “undocumented immigrants”) was another example of one-sided, emotional coverage of this issue without an objective analysis of the ...
Legalize marijuana
I’m writing about Robert Sharpe’s thoughtful letter, “Jail is not a pot deterrent” (Letters, Nov. 26). According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 44 percent of adults believe that pot is just as dangerous as, or more dangerous than, alcohol (http://tinyurl.com/lqmqqz). ...
Jail is not a pot deterrent
(Re: “Medical association: Reconsider pot," In Case You Missed It, Nov. 19.) While I’m thrilled that the American Medical Association has finally urged the federal government to rethink its prohibitionist stance on medical marijuana, I can’t help but wonder about ...
Climate change power plot
CORRECTION: There were two Jeff Buckley tribute bands that played this week in Boulder. The photo accompanying the Nov. 12 article, “To honor a legacy,” depicted another Jeff Buckley tribute band, Your Sweet Return. The opening acts for the show at the Laughing Goat ...
Borlaug didn’t do GMOs
(Re: “The man who saved one billion lives,” Danish Plan, Oct. 22.) The Danish Plan is also to misinform, again evidenced in the Borlaug article. I’m disappointed Danish continues to blur his perception when he lumps facts with GMO fantasy...
Cheap racial slam
(Re: “New Age outrage,” Uncensored, Oct. 29.) I must write to protest Pamela White’s derogatory use of the term “white folks” in her recent column, especially given its “there goes the neighborhood” context. Going for a cheap laugh at the expense of European-...
Cell phones and sex
(Re: “Sex vs. cell phones,” In Case You Missed It, Oct. 15.) I read the snippet on “sex vs. cell phones” and wanted to point out that for many people cell phones are major avenues for foreplay. Having completed my dissertation on electronic intimacy, I can ...
All eyes are on us
Innovative initiatives like Boulder County’s 1B and 1C, on the upcoming November elections, are leading the way toward the creation of a sustainable energy future, and in doing so, have piqued a lot of interest worldwide. Bond Issue 1B is an extension of ClimateSmart...
Vote for Valerie Mitchell
CORRECTION: In our Oct. 8 VOTE 2009 edition, a checkmark ended up in the wrong box. For the Boulder Valley School District race for District B, Boulder Weekly endorses Lesley Smith...
Journey to health
(Re: "Dying to be thin," cover story, Sept. 3.) Thanks for the thoughtful coverage of eating disorders. Dana Logan did a great job of addressing this terrible problem. So many girls and women waste years punishing their bodies rather than addressing their emotional ...