Letters 10/21/21



Letters: 8/4/16

‘Treatment’ for emerald ash borer worse than the problem I appreciate the Weekly’s overview of the emerald ash borer plague that will probably kill all...

Letters: Bold democracy reform

For generations, we’ve been told that money is power. It’s an axiom that continues to drive our politics. Despite being able to vote for...

Letters 7/14/22

Ghost Riders It’s almost 7 a.m. on Sunday and I’m stopped at a red light at 95th and Dillion Road in Louisville with seven other...

Letters: 1/16/20

NAFTA 2.0 better, but still bad  Congress recently passed the U.S. Mexico Canada Trade Agreement (aka NAFTA 2.0). Thanks to efforts by local, state and...

Letters: Oct. 26, 2023

RE: ‘WHY IS YOUR BALLOT YELLING AT YOU?’ Thanks for publishing Kaylee Harter’s article, WHY IS YOUR BALLOT SHOUTING AT YOU? (News, ‘WHY IS YOUR...

Letters: 4/4/19

On EPA budget cuts I am a part of a generation that has begun to feel the impacts of climate change and fear the consequences...

Letters: 8/31/17

Editor’s note: In our Aug. 17 issue, we ran a letter titled “Defending BW’s Russia work.” That letter was never intended for publication and...

Letters 10/22: On judges and a popular vote

The most votes should win When I vote for one of the senator candidates this fall, I know whoever gets the most votes will definitely...

Letters 11/18/21


Letters: 9/5/19

Careless journalism Dyer: You are an intelligible writer, and your article, “The perils of forgotten history” (Re: Buzz, Aug. 29, 2019) contained a good...

Letters: 7/7/16

Portland: a poor model to follow As citizens in a representative democracy, we expect the people we elect to be looking out for our best...

Letters 4/7/22

Definitions first, please Thanks to Mark Fearer for addressing the current dire situation for renters in Boulder. Rents have been rising dramatically along with housing...