Guest Columns

Race is a thread that connects all mass shootings

When a gunman opened fire in the Table Mesa King Soopers on Monday, March 22, prematurely ending the lives of 10 people, his bullets...

I wish I could vote in Boulder’s muni election

I’m not lucky enough to get to vote in the wonderful City of Boulder. But if I were, I know that I’d be voting...

Xcel Energy, the writing is on the wall

It may be an urban legend, but supposedly Henry Ford shared, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster...

Your choice to vote or not to vote will direct the...

Not participating in the political process of the community is a potent choice. It is an acceptance of the status quo. A willingness to...

Sustainability should not be legally impossible

I write today on behalf of the Boulder Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). This is our statement of solidarity with frontline communities worldwide, and in...

Market forces for products, not people

There is a lot of discussion about teacher pay in the United States, and Colorado is no exception. What gets less attention is the...

Monitoring for invisible dangers

As communities across the country work to cut their emissions and ensure they are safe from environmental accidents, accurate testing of our air quality...

Bureau of Land Management abdicates obligation to manage our wild equines...

We Americans are inspired by our wild horses. We marvel at the sight of them living wild and free on our public rangelands, of...

Ballot Battle to Protect Communities from Fracking

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave, you’ve probably been exposed to a bombardment of oil and gas industry propaganda about Proposition 112. You...

Shifting the focus of human rights in Boulder

Boulder has long been a leader in the area of human rights and social justice reform. Our journey began more than 40 years ago...

Clinging to privilege

On Saturday, March 6, hundreds of CU Boulder students played part in a maskless, bacchanal spring celebration in the midst of a pandemic that...

Crisis of leadership

We acknowledge our responsibility to stand in solidarity with all people and communities of good conscience who oppose hatred and discrimination. Heather Heyer’s murder...