Guest Columns

Why I am running for Congress

My name is Cliff Willmeng and I am a dad, husband and a full-time registered nurse from Lafayette, Colorado. I am running for U.S....

Lessons in persistence from neighboring municipal utilities

Today the Fort Collins municipal utility is a role model for other utilities. It operates and maintains one of the most reliable electric distribution...

Listening through a prism

Readers of Haley Gray’s April 14, 2016 “Boulder-Nablus Sister City Project heads back to council” might have been surprised when just four days later...

ColoradoCare: You can handle the truth

The current healthcare system has all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship. Well, it’s what we know. Maybe it’ll change. It would be hard...

Sullied bedfellows

Connecting dots is generally considered to be a child’s game. But when applied to politics and all of its bedfellows who usually come out...

Community rights versus environmental destruction: Time to turn the page

In the fall of 2013, a group of community members fighting to ban fracking in Lafayette met with our local State Representative, Mike Foote....

Dark spots, light spots and Apple’s protest

Dr. Mel Gurtov has studied government intrusion into our lives for many decades, including his work as an analyst for the RAND corporation and...

Opening your heart for Valentine’s Day

In the United States, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated widely with candy, flowers and private expressions of affection. I proposed to my wife on...