Guest Columns

Reflections on Walmart’s exit from Boulder

In any community, everybody should have access to affordable, decent-quality necessities of life. At the same time, all companies involved in the production and...

Monitoring for invisible dangers

As communities across the country work to cut their emissions and ensure they are safe from environmental accidents, accurate testing of our air quality...

Response: Trust in organic

At Aurora Organic Dairy, we care a great deal about organic agriculture, about the more than 650 dedicated men and women who call Aurora...

Are House Republicans murderers?

It is time for consequences. A time for the members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted for this abomination of a health...

I shouldn’t need a permit to protest the existence of Jeff...

When I was 11 years old, I was cutting school one day with a friend as we discussed the trajectory of our ensuing hookie...

Xcel went fishing and caught a few fish

Xcel went fishing with its “final” offers of two weeks ago. But on Monday night, few on Council took the bait. Council made the right...

Regulating their way to destruction

In Colorado, politicians gave up the idea of sane conversation regarding oil and gas drilling, climate change and the general preservation of the environment...

How did we get here? Look to 2010

How the Republican Party turned what seemed like a dire situation after disastrous losses in both the 2006 and 2008 elections into legislative majorities...

Danish is all about propaganda

I occasionally cruise articles by Paul Danish to see what regurgitated right-wing propaganda looks like. His article on the “slobs” of Standing Rock was exemplary. I...

Has the business community co-opted Boulder’s non-profits?

New commercial development in Boulder helps finance Affordable Housing (AH) through a charge called a linkage fee for each square foot of development. At...

Congress must restore refugee resettlement

In response to President Trump’s  executive order on Jan. 27, Colorado resettlement agencies, local organizations, refugee leaders and community members urge Colorado’s congressional delegation...

Trump as malware

If an enemy wanted to cripple the United States, the most sophisticated way would be through the political equivalent of a computer virus or...