
Proposed fines won’t stop what’s coming

Put your ear to the ground on a piece of Boulder County open space and you can hear a couple of things heading your...

Trump’s racism will hit his supporters in their pocketbooks

Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.” —Ken Cuccinelli,...

A Visit from St. Vladimir

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house staggered aging underwear models, and a giant orange louse; The fishnet stockings were hung...

Development reality check

I can’t remember how many times I’ve started off a column or news story with my favorite Harry S. Truman quote, but it’s happened a lot. There is just something about the short memory of Boulder County politicians and some residents that seems to keep it relevant. So...

Spineless politicos and the devolution of the NRA

School shootings, theater shootings, concert shootings, post-office shootings, nightclub shootings, restaurant shootings, work-place shootings. The U.S. has had hundreds of mass murders in the...

It’s time for Commissioners to show some backbone

On Tuesday, March 16, the Open Space Advisory Committee voted 5-3 to recommend that certain GMOs be allowed to continue growing on Boulder County’s...

The new era of conspiracy thinking

When it comes to the emotional issue of gun control, Harry Truman had it right when he said, “The only thing new in this world is the history that you don’t know...

The collapse of compassion

Anne Harper and her family, along with their 14 or so neighbors, have a serious problem. The place they care about most, their home, is about to be changed forever and not in a good way. They are trying desperately to save their small rural community, which the ...

Beyond the brink

This was a bad week for our country. Like so many other times in the last couple of years, racism boiled to the top...

Behind the Polis Betrayal

So what went wrong with ballot measures 88 and 89? How could these popular citizen’s initiatives written to give local communities more control over drilling and fracking in their neighborhoods have failed to get on the ballot...

Seth Brigham’s legacy

Seth Brigham is leaving Boulder after 30 years; at least that’s what he told me on Monday. So is it true? I’m sure he meant it when he said it, but I have no idea if he’ll actually move to Wisconsin as he’s planning. He has been known to change his mind. But ...

The coming storm of fracking operations in Boulder County

As Boulder County struggles to rewrite its current oil and gas regulations, the petroleum extraction industry has already begun its blitzkrieg of our lands. As clearly illustrated by the maps included here, a wave of environmental and property value destruction is ...