
Five questions for the director of the COGCC

At 9:05 a.m. on July 31, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) will be holding a public meeting at CU School of...

A new recording sheds more light on the questionable efforts to...

It’s been one long, hard road to get the 2,500-foot setback initiative (Initiative 97) on the November ballot. Not because the majority of people...

Oil industry borrows page from Trump/Russia dirty-tricks playbook

It seems like only yesterday when Comrade Trump was stealing the presidential election. We all now know he had plenty of help from Vladimir,...

Hiding behind the flag

Last year, while attending city council meetings in Longmont, where the town’s new oil and gas regs were being debated, one particular family in attendance caught my attention. This family included a couple of kids, never missed a meeting and, to put it mildly, was ...

You might as well cut off our hands

Who you gonna call? The answer of course depends on who you are. If you’re the oil and gas industry and you need someone...

What’s wrong with this picture?

Two pro-gun-rights billboards have recently gone up in Greeley and they’re causing quite a stir, as in you can read about them in The Washington Post kind of stir. But why have a couple of political signs sparked so much controversy and who is paying for them...

2018 elections: A very brief look at what we learned

Let’s start with something positive on the national front — hope lives. We are better off today than we were on Nov. 5. And while...

Patriotism on life support

Warning: I wrote this at 4 a.m. while feeling pretty angry and cynical, so read on at your own peril. I really do love my country,...

It’s time to slow down and think a bit smaller

I’ve had trouble recognizing this country lately, which is my way of saying we’ve gotten pretty cruel and shortsighted when it comes to how...

On a positive note… mostly

Folks often ask me why we don’t report more “good news.” I usually fire back something along the lines of “nobody wants to read...

Reality TV hits the National Mall

I’ll say this as delicately as I can: Anyone who thinks it’s patriotic to roll tanks down our National Mall on the Fourth of...

Commentary: It takes a village… of idiots

Running this story on Facebook is not our way of whining about Boulder Weekly’s business model. Fortunately, we never made page views and unique visitors...