Danish Plan

The Donald (a whining loser) and the caucuses

Donald Trump is howling like a stuck pig over getting his ass kicked by the Cruz campaign last weekend, which won all 34 of...

America needs more secret meetings

I have a modest proposal for breaking the political paralysis that grips Washington like a cold, dead hand slowly contracting around Uncle Sam’s throat...

The Denver Post supports marijuana legalization — before opposing it

The Denver Post ran an odd editorial on Oct. 15 in which it averred its support for marijuana legalization, but opposed the passage of Amendment 64, which would legalize marijuana in Colorado...

Old and in the way at age 50

Boulder geezers — and we’re talking about anyone over age 50 here — you’re through! Done! Fini! Kaput! Finito! Old and in the way! And not...

A costly inconvenient truth

Here’s an inconvenient little truth that keeps getting lost in the shuffle when local activists start hyper-ventillating about fracking: If you want to ban fracking, you may end up paying through the nose...

The rigged Rodale Institute deal

Shortly after the Boulder County Commissioners voted to ban GMO crops from Boulder County Open Space (in March 2016), it occurred to them that...

The prince who read the instruction manual

The Washington press corps is shocked, shocked that Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman (aka MBS) may have ordered the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, a...

Soldier of Fortune’s 35th anniversary

Soldier of Fortune Magazine, liberal Boulder’s favorite mad aunt in the attic, will put out its 35th anniversary issue next month. So in honor of the occasion I thought I’d share some SOF stories...

Russia, social media and Cold War 2.0

About Russia using social media to meddle in the election — and undermine and disrupt American democracy and the American social fabric generally —...

Total elapsed time: 80 seconds

On Dec. 13, Karl Halverson Pierson, a disgruntled student, entered Arapahoe High School in Littleton in a murderous frame of mind...

The Hansen letter

Although it may be a bit rude to put it this way, climatologist James Hansen is the high priest of global warming alarmism. He once referred to coal trains as “death trains” that would be “no less gruesome than if they were boxcars headed to crematoria, loaded with ...

A Nobel Prize for Assange? How about in chemistry?

Someone in the Russian government last week (speaking anonymously so he could speak frankly, ironically enough) suggested that Julian Assange, WikiLeaks’ alpha drip, deserved a Nobel Prize...