Danish Plan

Climate science — and why the world won’t listen

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued the executive summary of its latest report on global warming on Sept. 26. It stated, among other things, that hundreds of scientists are more certain than ever that the planet is warming up and that ...

Ten years after 9/11

Random thoughts on the 10th anniversary of 9/11...

The sneak attack on Amendment 64

The drug war dead-enders and nanny-statists who want to recriminalize marijuana in Colorado think they have hit on a cunning new strategy to do the deed...

The wrong marijuana message

There they go again...

Hamas does not give shelter

If there is one thing Hamas is really good at, it’s digging tunnels. Hamas, and like-minded militant factions like Islamic Jihad, have dug more than a thousand tunnels under the Gaza-Egyptian border. (Last March, Egypt said it had closed more than 1,300.) It has ...

Biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history? Hogwash!

In the course of reporting that BP had finally stopped the flow of oil in its Macondo well, a CNN reporter casually referred to the blowout as “the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.” Obama said the same thing a couple of months ago. They are both full ...

Why would anyone need a gun or an abortion?

A frequent refrain of gun control freaks is “Why does anyone need a gun?” Good question. I’ll get to it in a minute...

A modest proposal for cleaning up the mess in Washington

I have a modest proposal for cleaning up the mess in Washington...

Who was hiding the snake?

Ding, dong. The snake is dead...

Orwell got it backwards

Recently someone in Iran or Turkey had an insight: Just as war is too important to be left to the generals, peace activism is too important to be left to the pacifists. As a result, Islamists around the Middle East are getting in touch with their inner peace ...

No water for fracking? No problem

One of the latest — and sillier — local whines against fracking is that it is a profligate consumer of water that takes 33,000 acre feet of the stuff permanently out of the state’s hydraulic cycle...