Danish Plan
When Palestine declares its independence
Odds are that this week or next the Palestinians will unilaterally declare their independence. What happens next...
Ban fracking? Why stop there?
I have a modest proposal to resolve the fractious issue of fracking in Colorado. It’s a win-win amendment to the Colorado Constitution that will pass in a landslide...
Polis plays the Nazi card
Following the passage of Arizona’s new immigration law last month, Boulder Congressman Jared Polis unburdened himself of the following thoughts to the POLITICO website: “It is absolutely reminiscent of second-class status of Jews in Germany prior to World War II...
Have we accidentally prevented another ice age?
Sometimes you learn the darnedest things if you read a news story all the way to the end...
Why fracking is here to stay
If you want to know why fracking is here to stay, consider what’s been going on in Weld County...
The censored arguments for Proposition 64
The sponsors of Colorado Proposition 64, the ballot proposal that would legalize marijuana and regulate it like alcohol, think these are three of the best arguments for voting yes...
The gathering storm
The ballots go out on October 12. That’s when the shitstorm begins...
Think globally, and fry locally
Heh. According to a paper published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Climate Change, windmills can cause global warming...
A costly inconvenient truth
Here’s an inconvenient little truth that keeps getting lost in the shuffle when local activists start hyper-ventillating about fracking: If you want to ban fracking, you may end up paying through the nose...
Obama should talk to Douglas Bruce
Since President Barack Obama seems clueless on how to go about getting government spending and debt under control, he ought to consult someone who’s done it. No, not Bill Clinton or Newt Gingrich or Tim Pawlenty or Mitch Daniels...