Danish Plan
Obama’s silly speech
The most charitable thing that can be said about Barack Obama’s graduation address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy is that it was silly...
The return of the ferret
Good news. The Black-footed ferret, once called the most endangered mammal on the planet, is coming to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal...
The campaign to pass the Danish Plan
The campaign to pass the Danish Plan began in August 1976 with a panicked phone call to me from Councilwoman and future Mayor Ruth Correll. She wanted to know why the Danish Plan (officially called the Slow Growth ordinance) didn’t exempt affordable housing from its ...
The road to the Danish Plan
It would be wrong to say that Boulder wasn’t concerned about growth until 1971. In the 1950s and 1960s Boulder was plenty concerned about growth — specifically about how to get more of it...
The Danish Plan recalled
Participants in Boulder’s current conversation about growth are starting to allude to the Danish Plan, the growth control ordinance I wrote in 1976 that was adopted by a vote of the people in the November election that year, so I thought I’d provide some background ...
Boulder’s insane densification
The Boulder City Council’s latest mantra seems to have been taken directly from the Vietnam War: It became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it...
How to provide higher learning at a lower price
I have a modest proposal for making the college experience more affordable, accessible, excellent and just plain better...
Putin and anti-fracking activism
Harold Hamm, the multibillionaire oilman who is president of Continental Resources, the company that is the biggest player in North Dakota’s Bakken shale oil patch, raised some eyebrows last week when he said the Russians were financing the anti-fracking movement in ...
Obama’s happy dance with Iran
Obama is riding hell-bent for leather toward a nuclear deal with Iran which — if the leaked outlines of it are remotely accurate — will turn the United States into the principal enabler and legitimizer of Iran’s nuclear ambitions...
Boulder needs a municipal oil company
Many Boulder residents chafe under the tyranny of Big Oil, which supplies the gasoline, natural gas and asphalt in the Whole Foods parking lot on which their survival depends...
Dr. Mitchell Gershten of Paonia had a letter to the editor in the Daily Camera last Saturday certain to have set atwitter the heart of every oil company hater in Boulder County...
Real tax reform means everyone pays something
Chances are the tax increases, cuts and fiddles President Obama proposed during the State of the Union speech Tuesday night are DOA in the Republican-controlled Congress. And chances are the tax cuts, increases and fiddles the Republicans will propose shortly are ...