Too high?


Jurassic pot


Weed Between the Lines

Is Colorado’s MMJ patient registry being shared with law enforcement?

Among the many troubling findings of a report from the Office of the State Auditor on the administration of the state medical marijuana regulatory system is that confidential information about medical marijuana patients has and is being shared, possibly ...

You can’t hide from the turning of the tide

When Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that there were too many people in federal prison, outlined Justice Department plans to stop charging low-level and nonviolent drug offenders (ie. cannabis users) with crimes that carry mandatory minimums and ...

Too much medical marijuana can make you sick

That was a headline in the July 26 edition of the Detroit Free Press, above a story about researchers finding 93 cases of regular marijuana users, mostly males, all under 50 years old, whose symptoms included uncontrolled cyclic vomiting, nausea and severe abdominal ...

Cannabis is legal. Where and when will we be able to...

If Amendment 64 supporters needed a reminder that almost 45 percent of Coloradans voted against legalizing cannabis, the Colorado Springs City Council’s ban on retail stores came with a caveat: Mayor Steve Bach said that as long as he was in charge, he would veto any...

Getting high goes high-tech

You still smoke weed? That’s adorable. How quaint...

Gateway drugs, Dutch coffee shops and tax revenue

How many times have you heard the argument that cannabis should remain illegal because it is a “gateway” drug, described as one that increases the risk that a user might try other, harder drugs...

Pot by the numbers: 50 ways to look at marijuana

1. 5,187,582 - Population of Colorado in 2012...

Could Boulder price itself out of the pot market?

I support taxes on sales of marijuana, but I’m scratching my head a little over the latest proposal before the Boulder City Council to place a 15 percent city excise tax on grow and infusion facilities and a 10 percent city sales tax on marijuana on the November ...

Getting over the hump about hemp

Come Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway, don’t block up the hall For he who is hurt will be he who has stalled...

The $3 billion rathole that is the war on marijuana

Among the reasons I voted for Amendment 64 was that I was tired of people being arrested and sent to prison for simple possession of marijuana...

Emergency rule keeps cannabis magazines on the shelves

Probably the strangest paragraph in Colorado’s first attempt to regulate marijuana was the one that stipulated that “magazines whose primary focus is marijuana or marijuana businesses are only sold in retail marijuana stores or behind the counter in establishments ...

Forget Big Tobacco; Big Marijuana wants to be part of the...

There has been a persistent rumor, dating back to the 1960s and 1970s, that cigarette companies have been plotting to take over the marijuana industry, were it ever legalized. It’s still around and probably holds on because it doesn’t seem that unreasonable — if they...