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Feeling your pain
Michelle St. Pierre had just had dental surgery, and she was curious how cannabis would work as an alternative to opioid painkillers. As a...
Astrology 9/13/18
March 21-April 19: Author Anne Carson describes part of her creative process in this way: “Sometimes I dream a sentence and write it down....
A mind-altering substance
A few weeks ago I went to the U.N.’s Special Session on drugs where I saw, for the first time, just how important Colorado’s legalization...
Astrology | Week of July 28, 2011
ARIES March 21-April 19: I love how the poet Rachel Loden describes her impressions of Daniel Borzutzky’s The Book of Interfering Bodies. She says that reading it is like “chancing upon a secret lake full of trembling lilies that projectile vomit both poems and ...
Terrapin Station opens a new era in Boulder commerce
It might not have been as big a moment as the day retail sales began in Denver on Jan. 1. There were no national media gawking or television cameras rolling last Friday at 8:30 a.m. About 50 or 60 people, some from the Amendment 64 movement, a city councilman, one ...
Bad education
Growing up partly on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota, Jerilyn DeCoteau was often puzzled by the rigid and disciplinary way her...
Astrology | Week of Jan. 23
ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Actor Casey Affleck appreciates the nurturing power of his loved ones. “My family would be supportive,” he says, “if I said I wanted to be a Martian, wear only banana skins, make love to ashtrays, and eat tree bark.” I’d like to see you ...
In case you missed it | The Wizard of Norquist
What used to be a pledge of allegiance to the United States has in more recent times become a pledge of allegiance by Republican politicians to just one dorky-looking guy named Grover Norquist and his infamous “no new taxes” platform...