Boulder Weekly is working with Longmont Humane Society (LHS) to feature a few pets each week who are looking for forever homes. LHS provides temporary shelter to thousands of animals every year, including dogs, cats and small mammals who are lost, surrendered or abandoned.
Most weeks, Critter Classifieds showcases three pets — dogs, cats, even rats — who need your love and support, but this week we’re thrilled to share an adoption update.

On Oct. 20, we introduced Reyna, a 4-year-old female bulldog who loves to “waddle over to new friends and nudge her way into their hearts.” It didn’t take long before a patron at LHS met Reyna, fell in love and took her home.
“Our life wasn’t right without a bully,” her new owner wrote in a note to LHS. “Reyna (now Gertrude) is absolutely perfect for our family. She and Lucy (my 1-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier) just lay in a pile and chew on each other ALL DAY. Her resource guarding is pretty much zero already. Occasionally she gets jealous when someone else is getting love, but I remind her that I have two hands for this reason.”
You can visit longmonthumane.org to view available animals. We’ll be back next week with more adoptable pets.

Note: If you’ve adopted a pet that was featured in Critter Classifieds, we’d love to hear your story! Email us at [email protected].
Your support makes a big difference to the Longmont Humane Society. Every donation made to LHS from Nov. 1 through Dec. 6 on ColoradoGives.org gets a boost from the $1.4 Million + Incentive Fund. Schedule your donation today at coloradogives.org/organization/Longmonthumanesociety. Donate and view available animals at longmonthumane.org.