Astrology: 5/21/20
March 21-April 19: “Excellence does not require perfection,” wrote Aries author Henry James. Now I’m conveying this brilliant counsel to you — just in...
Astrology 5.14.20
March 21-April 19: During a pandemic, is it possible to spread the news about your talents and offerings? Yes! That’s why I suggest you...
Astrology 5/7/20
March 21-April 19: According to Aries author and mythologist Joseph Campbell, “The quest for fire occurred not because anyone knew what the practical uses...
Astrology 4/30/19
March 21-April 19: I always hesitate to advise Aries people to slow down, be more deliberate and pay closer attention to boring details. The...
Astrology 4/16/20
March 21-April 19: Aries artist Vincent van Gogh got started on his life’s work relatively late. At ages 25 and 26 he made failed...
Astrology 4/9/20
March 21-April 19: Moses did 40 years’ worth of hard work in behalf of his people, delivering them out of slavery in Egypt. Yet...
Astrology 4/2/20
March 21-April 19: “If all the world’s a stage, where the hell is the teleprompter,” asks aphorist Sami Feiring. In my astrological opinion, you...
Astrology 3/26/20
March 21-April 19: Your oracle comes from Aries poet Octavio Paz: “The path the ancestors cleared is overgrown, unused. The other path, smooth and...
Astrology 3/19/20
We interrupt your regularly scheduled horoscopes to offer insights about the virus-driven turning point that the whole world is now experiencing.As you've probably guessed,...
Astrology 3/12/20
March 21-April 19: Giacomo Puccini’s famous opera Tosca premiered in 1900. It featured a heroine named Tosca. In 1914, Puccini’s favorite Tosca, a soprano...
Astrology 3/5/20
March 21-April 19: Progress rarely unfolds in a glorious, ever-rising upward arc. The more usual pattern is gradual and uneven. Each modest ascent is...