

where was the attention span placed? look under the rubble the distracted clutter of mind is hiding there somewhere it would have remembered to call if the blue jay...

In Grief, Take As Long a Road As You Need

In grief:Take as longa roadas you need,mingling withheartbreakingholy darknessgiving spaceto each chasmcalling for tending. When emerging,coming up for breathhold firm in keepinglightalive and well,find ways...

Reflections on Baking

Who knew the pecans float to the top ofthe pie? Who knew —When a knife comesclean it is done? While I recordthat the sun is making a...


A rose projects its beauty in so many shapes and colors.  The aroma of elegance brings a soothing comfort to the soul like the first...

For the Sake of Strangers

No matter what the grief, its weight,we are obliged to carry it.We rise and gather momentum, the dull strengththat pushes us through crowds.And then...

A Real Estate

I live in a borough called Beauty, at the end of a street called Strife, and I walk through a glade called Gladness down a long lonely...

Self-Deceit #3

I know that room inside youwhere you go to hide when you’re scared and don’t want to be seen. Where your back is turned away, eyes lowered if they’re...

middle ground

we find ourselves this long morning of this long week children of division some of us already know this place grew out of it like weeds in sidewalk cracks we...

Three Poems

accomplice he shoves a rusty crowbar into my hands i want you to climb up on the rooftear up some of the shinglesmake it look like...

The Studio

My mind is unwritten musicAnd a million notes played at once:A blank stave overflowing.And in this chaotic emptinessLies the melody that seeks to be...


Covid – year two. I no longer live within myformer parameters.Sleep comes in waves per night as does dream. Some days the sun sings I’m...

Summer Time

I can’t think about summer enough. The gooey melancholy warm inside me like FAT Krinkle-Kut French Fries dipped in ketchup In between pool games and juke box...