We are the Forgotten
We are the forgotten
The people no one will remember
The ones people will forget
Not exceptional just ordinary
We are the majority
We will be remembered as a...
A Lesson in Deep Time
I stand atop history and geology,
Mineral Mountain, El Dorado.
This continent continues its slow
tilt towards the sun
on the axis of season.
Beneath the melting snow
the Earth...
the young, the the we, the all
By the virtue that we are children & were more soThat young & exposed we were cunning enough to readThat the society of the...
Death-Bridge Keeper’s OTHER Five Questions (THREE Questions!)
from what,
is time a bridge?
and WHAT
is that bridge a carrier?
do the people
and things
the bridge carries
and back
throw up
a collective
— and insurmountable —
On my Mom’s dying
She saw my first breath.
I saw her last.
in between,
many days of
smiles, shouts,
puddles, clouds
deluded, denuded,
Snippet of a Man Talking About His New Television Set
So I was walking around the store, just out grabbing a few things for the house and I just happened to wander into the...
Tree in Winter
You will be here again. Your eyes
closed in brightening light from
a window, open in winter. Magenta
blooms lidded, your forehead held
by a shoulder put forward...
Free Poetry Skool @ Downtown Public Library
Poets gather
like words on a page
scribed in their own handwriting
as illustrious lines
they embody poetic form
— such as , a tercet , perhaps —
where this...
My heart beats change to a speed I can’t endure.There is only one cure;return to a rustic life with nature,free from this jungle lunacy...
he wakes from his morphine mist
looks up to see my sisters
and my mother
and me
all standing around
in a room suddenly thick with panic
am i dying?
A New Horizon
For Esther and Johnson Medidi at the dedication of the New Horizons Safehouse in Podu, India, and for the young women of New Horizons....