Now and then


Off to the races



The Assistant

She lives in Astoria, but she works in the City. That means the company car picks her up long before the sun has a...

A woman’s work and a son’s obsession

There’s a bit of fairy tale when it comes to Benedetta Barzini. As the story goes, it was 1963 when Barzini was discovered on the streets...

The Midnight Family

Mexico City is home to 9 million souls, but the government operates fewer than 45 ambulances to aid them in times of need. To...

Cinema on the short side

In addition to the praise and accolades each year’s Oscar nominations bring, there’s a fair amount of teeth-gnashing and viewers crying foul. A stupid movie got...

The Rhythm Section

As the Confucian proverb goes: “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Unfortunately for Stephanie Patrick (Blake Lively), she’s going to need...

In memoriam: Anna Karina

No one face embodied the French New Wave more than that of Anna Karina. Born Hanne Karin Bayer in Denmark in 1940, Karina made her way...

The Medicine

The sages call it by many names: yagé, ambiwaska, aioasca, but most know it as ayahuasca: a hallucinogenic brew drunk during a spiritual ceremony....

A journey across French cinema

When François Truffaut penned his revolutionary essay, “A Certain Tendency in French Cinema,” the up-and-coming critic laid waste to what he saw as a national tradition...

The Cave

Before the Syrian Civil War in 2011, an estimated 2 million souls called Ghouta home. Less than 20% now reside in the suburb of Damascus. The...

The shame of a nation

The year was 1978, and China’s future did not look promising. The country had survived wars, depression and famine, plus a cultural revolution was taxing the...

Just Mercy

Monroeville, Alabama, 1987: A man is condemned to death for a crime he did not commit. Do you need to know the color of his skin,...

Now we are 63

In 1964, Britain’s Granada Television charged researcher Michael Apted to select 14 7-year-olds from disparate backgrounds for the documentary program, Seven Up! Their aim: to get a...