Now and then


Off to the races



The cinematic sampler

As far as cinema is concerned, 2021 opened not with a bang but with cautious optimism. For starters, moviegoing has returned with AMC, Cinemark...

America at a crossroads and Bob Dylan on tour

In 1975, the U.S. was at a crossroads. The Vietnam War was over, and Americans were more disillusioned than ever. Big cities out east,...

The Sundance Film Festival comes to Colorado

It’s going to be shorter this year, but it’s also coming a lot closer to home: The 2021 Sundance Film Festival is going virtual....

Way down Texas way

It’s 1950, and John Ford wants to make a movie: The Quiet Man, from a story by Maurice Walsh, about a retired boxer who...

2020 in movies

2020 was the year I watched more but understood less. With a rotating series of crises to consider, rare were the instances where I...

Righteous retribution

Cassie’s drunk again, alone in the club and a mess. She can’t find her phone, and all her friends have left. Two guys at...

Local Theater Company’s ‘Discount Ghost Stories: Colorado’

Whether they’re tossed aside carelessly or discarded maliciously, some pieces of history just get lost.  Like the story of Florence Molloy and Mabel MacLeay, who...

Notes from the revolution

There’s reality, and then there’s everything else. Cinema exists firmly in the latter: Cameras don’t capture reality; they capture a perspective of it with...

A matter of life and death

Everybody clap your hands. Soul, the latest feature film from Disney/Pixar, rolls credits with a new version of the Curtis Mayfield classic, “It’s All...

Roll out the barrel

Martin has been immobilized. He’s only 40, but the life drained out of his face years ago. His wife barely talks to him, and...

A little film about lovely people

On Dec. 1, TCM’s 14-week series Women Make Film comes to a close with movies on death, endings and a little song and dance....

Homeviewing: Refugee-pers Creepers

The most satisfying response to a horror movie scare is not a jump, a shriek or a recoil. It is a verbal “Nope!” It...