Now and then


Off to the races




Skyline is a mediocre film with fundamental flaws, a cast of B-list actors playing to stereotypes and a startlingly unsatisfying and bizarre ending. Still, after classic sci-fi films like War of the Worlds posit aliens that can be defeated by the common cold or ...

Prison break blast

Despite its advertising, The Next Three Days isn’t about convicted murderer Lara Brennan (Elizabeth Banks), but rather her obsessed husband John (Russell Crowe), who is convinced of her innocence and is willing to do anything — including breaking her out of jail — to...

The ice films cometh

Seven years ago, in a small tent in the midst of a snowstorm in the Himalayas, climber and photographer Jonny Copp drafted the idea for the Adventure Film Festival on a handful of scratch paper. Since then, the idea has grown into an international festival of ...

Under a rock

With 127 Hours, the Oscar-winning director of Slumdog Millionaire proves it’s possible to make a supercharged, perpetually kinetic movie about a man who can’t move. It is something, this film from director Danny Boyle, who adapted Aron Ralston’s memoir Between a Rock...

Train of thought

No matter how blue-collar or red-meat the story, director Tony Scott’s movies revel in his luxe, glossy yet easily distracted technique that ensures every shot is trailer-ready, and every fractured moment strives for maximum coolness. He’s an old-school cliche-...

Overdue disaster

Writer-director Todd Phillips understands comedy and comedic structure. He’s no stranger to the possibilities of the cinematic road trip...

An animated yawn

Earlier this year Despicable Me proved it: A story about a hapless villain, humanized, is good for a few laughs and a half-billion dollars worldwide. That figure would very likely be A-OK with the makers of the new DreamWorks animated feature Megamind, also about a ...

Perry gets serious

It’s dated, theatrical and overthe-top. In the 35 years since the play’s premiere, it still doesn’t cut black men a lot of slack...

Faithfully following the formula

From King Lear to Psycho, some of the great popular art has confronted human evil and depravity with an eye as unblinking as Marion Crane’s after a visit from Mrs. Bates. By transcending boundaries of disreputable genres built on bloodlust, our shrewdest artists have...

Ghost stories

According to the new documentary, Chasing the Shadows (, one-third of Americans believe in ghosts and more people in the United Kingdom believe in ghosts than believe in God. With many ghost-hunting reality shows, like Ghost Hunters on Syfy, ...

Guilty of misdirection

Conviction should have been a good film. After a woman’s beloved ne’erdo-well brother is convicted of murder in a tiny hick town, it’s up to her to exonerate him, first through the system and then by going to law school and becoming a one-client attorney. Better yet...

Poised for monster success

 Demons of mediocrity, be gone! Here we have a shrewd sequel a touch better than the original...