For the love of what you do
TV on the Radio. 7 p.m. Sunday, July 26, Boulder Theater, 2032 14th St., Boulder, 303-786-7030
by Wyatt Carlson
TV On The Radio has picked up a few tips since they formed in 2001. As they keep making music, they’re continuing to evolve as artists.
“[In the beginning] I really had an attitude about not wanting to get better at [playing music] because I had some weird indie rock attitude about [my music] getting in the way of real feelings or something, but I definitely feel like I’m having more fun playing now than I was having when I first started,” says Kyp Malone, the backing vocals and guitarist.
“You create a musical language amongst yourselves … and you can explore more and invent within that language and it opens up a multitude of possibilities,” Malone says.
This language is spoken deeply in their songs, which all convey different messages about current issues, love, hate and diversity. Malone says this message is not unified because things in the world are always changing, and call for new meanings.
“It’s boring for me to talk to you about [politics] sometimes because people feel like if I’m talking like this I’m being preachy, but if I can figure out a way to talk like this in rhyme and make it danceable then we’re getting somewhere potentially,” Malone says. “Then maybe someone doesn’t mind hearing the message.”
Malone says you don’t have to be a virtuoso to make music, and that he likes to view himself as someone who promotes peace.
“Even talking about it and suggesting it is good work potentially,” he says. “At the very least it’s not promoting bullshit and hatred.”