

Taarka CD Release Party

7 p.m. Friday, March 27, eTown Hall, 1535 Spruce St., Boulder, 303-443-8696.

Just in time for spring, Colorado’s own Taarka is back with a new album Making Tracks Home. Taarka’s sound is filled with a variety of different string instruments laying a foundation for vocals from husbandand-wife duo David and Enion Pelta- Tiller. Folk music rarely fits nicely into a specific genre, and Taarka’s music also reaches across several genres — with descriptors like gypsy, bluegrass and jazz. But Taarka’s inspiration separates them from the rest with unlikely sources including 19th century poetry and worldly influences from Romania to Appalachia. But for this new album, the Colorado-grown band got back to its musical roots. Celebrate their new album release at eTown Hall on March 27.