Carelli’s strikes right balance
At one end of the Italian restaurant spectrum, you’ve got your familyrun spaghetti joints, like the old line joints you’ll find in Louisville and North Denver. At the other, you’ve got your high-end spots, defined by pricey dishes like squid ink pasta and house-...
Put a cork in it and see what’s new with brew
For many food lovers, pairing wine with certain foods is a common way to enhance your meal. But like wine, beer can be used as a promising complement to many familiar dishes...
Happy Mateo hour
At Mateo’s happy hour, dubbed “après,” you can convene your own Pearl Street Algonquin Roundtable on the cheap between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Indeed, that’s what I attempted to do, by inviting author friend Lisa and her husband Peter, a therapist and practitioner ...
Alcohol at altitude: Wine and mead in Colorado
Colorado is a state with an abundance of recreational activities, mountains, snow and … wine? Despite unforeseen snowstorms, tornado-like wind and temperatures varying from below zero to off the thermometer, Colorado hosts a bounty of sheltered microclimates and ...
Going mod
When a restaurant is named Modmarket, one expects a certain menu and ambience distinct from say, a place called the Doofusateria. Indeed, this Boulder quick-serve outpost serves fresh and healthy flatbread pizzas, salads and soups in a Twenty Ninth Street Mall spot...
Long, strange trip: Notions about food change over four decades
Notions about food change over four decades Earth Day’s 40th anniversary last month got me thinking about all the wacky notions advocated by the longhaired, tie-dyed, wire-rimmed youthful hipsters of the early ’70s. (Yes, I was among them.) You know, those wild...
Real ramen rocks at Bento Zanmai
Rmen gets a bad rap in the United States, especially since most of us are only familiar with the instant dime-a-pack variety, weighted down with a surplus of salt and MSG. This is too bad, as authentic ramen has about as much resemblance to the starving student ...
Food across the nation: How does Boulder compare?
From fresh lobsters in Maine to barbeque disputes in the South, the range of culinary diversity in the United States offers a glimpse into this country’s many personalities. The six cities below represent regions of the country that are disparate for many reasons, ...
Mixology in a modern world
Cocktails weren’t always complicated. The classic gin and tonic began when people in British India doctored their anti-malarial quinine water with gin to make it more palatable. Pre-Prohibition drinks, such as the Sazerac, included only two or three ingredients, ...
Making culinary connections
The Culinary Connectors concept is simple — up to 10 diners pay $99 to tour three restaurants in an afternoon, with each stop lasting approximately one hour. Each visit affords an opportunity to sample menu and wine highlights, as well as converse with chefs. But...
Women in the kitchen: nurture or necessity?
Julia Child’s cooking show, The French Chef, first aired on television in 1963, with her demonstration of how to cook an omelet. The show pioneered complex home cooking at a time in the United States when many women did just that. Nearly 50 years later, in a world of...
A Diva brunch at Jill’s
Recently, Dessert Diva Danette Randall noted in her column that I ought to have her tag along on a review outing. Class act that I am, I thought it only right to invite her to a spot where a guy ought to wear a sports coat. So I asked her to join me for Sunday ...