There are barrel-aged beers, and then there’s Mountain Sun’s Bourbon Barrel-Aged Chocolate Thunder Imperial Stout: brewed with over nine malts, two hops, milk chocolate, dark chocolate and lactose, and aged for three to six months in Four Roses bourbon barrels.
“This beer has found its home in Four Roses,” explains John Fiorilli, Mountain Sun’s director of brewing operations. “It lives in Four Roses barrels, and the only way we won’t put it in Four Roses barrels is if they stop making Four Roses bourbon.”
And with good reason: One whiff of the opaque brew tickles the nose with high-octane bourbon and then softens the tongue with the first sip. Then comes a cascade of sweet chocolate amid a sea of rich dark malt. There’s a touch of bitterness on the finish to clean things up and get you ready for another. It’s a soft and velvety digestif, drink with or for dessert, and you’ll go home happy.