Candidate: Terri Goon
Office: Longmont Mayor
Website: www.terrigoon4longmont.com
Yes/No Questions – Please answer only with yes/no.
Are you a homeowner? Yes
Do you think your City should have a homeless shelter? yes (I believe a nonprofit would do this)
If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? unknown, they say they have enough
Do you believe there’s a need for more housing? yes
Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? no
General Questions – Please limit responses to 300 words or less.
Why do you want to be mayor?
To be a voice for those that believe in less government.
When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that?
Longmont in 1998
When considering new developments, which is more important: density and affordability or preserving neighborhood character?
I believe markets can best decide this.
Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges?
Preparedness through flood mitigation and wildfire mitigation on public lands.
How do you think you stand out from other candidates?
I honestly believe less government is best government.
What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot?
Why do you think it is ok to tax others for amenities?
What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness?
Reducing the size of government is the best solution. Between taxes and unaffordable homes, the government keeps saying only they have the solution – I would recommend they remove themselves and let markets determine what is needed. This includes seeing the ideas of the caring people of Longmont and their desire to help.
What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Longmont?
I do not have one other than to reduce onerous regulations in housing.
How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet some of the City’s climate goals?
The goals of the city for 0 carbon emissions are aspirational and virtue signaling. They will not change the climate. Increasing the wealth of all people allows us to address pollutants.
What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them?
I believe markets are best to handle the needs of mass transportation though the city does oversee roads. There I would implement a better system to handle ultralight yet fast vehicles that don’t belong on roads or sidewalks.
How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents?
Through interpreters.
How does diversity factor into your policy making?
As someone who thinks differently than most, I will be part of the diverse group we have in Longmont.
How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you?
By asking questions and listening to the answers given.
Rank your top 5 issues in priority.
Justice system, high taxes, onerous regulations, roads, future planning for maintenance and upgrades.