
Candidate: Spencer Adams
Office: Longmont City Council, Ward 3
Website: spencerforward3.com
Yes/No Questions – Please answer only with yes/no.
Are you a homeowner? No
Do you think your City should have a homeless shelter? Yes
If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? No
Do you believe there’s a need for more housing? Yes
Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? Yes
Longform Questions – Please limit responses to 300 words or less.
Why do you want to be a council member?
I wanted to be a council member to bring fresh ideas and to have ward 3 better represented. By having someone who is facing the issues many of us face. I wanted someone on the bench that’s going to be thinking about Longmont’s future for the next 20+ years not the next couple. I ran to be better engaging during meetings and with events around the city as well as with constituents. I ran to not have a city council member progress with a political party ideology and not what’s in Longmont’s best interest.
When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that?
The last time I paid rent as of writing this was Aug, 1st, 2023.
When considering new developments, which is more important: density and affordability or preserving neighborhood character?
What’s most important is preserving neighborhood character. However, we are in need of affordable and density housing in other areas of Longmont. I will discuss my ideas with other council members if elected to discuss good areas for density development.
Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges?
First, we need to invest more in mitigation and prevention measures, such as creating defensible spaces around homes and businesses, implementing erosion control and stormwater management practices, and enforcing building codes and zoning regulations that reduce exposure and risk to natural disasters. These actions can help us reduce the potential damage and costs of future disasters, as well as protect our environment and quality of life.
Second, we need to enhance our emergency response and recovery capabilities, such as improving our communication and coordination systems, training and equipping our first responders and volunteers, and providing adequate resources and support for our residents and businesses affected by disasters. These actions can help us respond more quickly and effectively to emergencies, as well as recover more smoothly and equitably from the impacts of disasters.
Third, we need to increase our public awareness and education on natural disasters, such as providing information and guidance on how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from different types of hazards, as well as promoting a culture of preparedness and resilience among our community members. These actions can help us increase our knowledge and skills on how to cope with disasters, as well as foster a sense of responsibility and solidarity among our community members.
How do you think you stand out from other candidates?
I have a background in construction and project management, which gives me valuable skills and knowledge on infrastructure, transportation, and environmental issues. I have worked for several local firms and have experience in designing and managing projects that benefit the city and its residents. I have a vision for Longmont that is based on three core values: safety, strength, and sustainability. I want to make Longmont a city that is safe from natural and human-made hazards, strong in its economy and social fabric, and sustainable in its use of resources and protection of the environment. I have concrete plans and proposals on how to achieve these goals, which you can find on his website or by contacting me at my email. I am passionate about making Longmont a better place for everyone, especially for our children and future generations. I care deeply about the issues that affect our city, such as natural disasters, affordable housing, economic development, social justice, and public health. I have a track record of listening to and working with diverse stakeholders, finding creative solutions, and delivering results.
What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot? Candidate did not provide a response.
What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness?
Some of the solutions that I would propose or support are: Implementing the Homeless Solutions for Boulder County (HSBC) system, which is a regional collaboration between Boulder County, the City of Boulder, and the City of Longmont to provide coordinated entry, navigation, and housing-focused shelter services for people experiencing homelessness. This system aims to assess the needs and preferences of each individual, connect them to the most appropriate resources and programs, and help them achieve stable housing as quickly as possible. Expanding the availability and affordability of permanent supportive housing, which is a proven model that combines subsidized rental housing with wraparound services such as case management, mental health care, substance use treatment, and employment assistance. Permanent supportive housing has been shown to reduce homelessness, improve health outcomes, and lower public costs by reducing the use of emergency services, shelters, jails, and hospitals. Increasing the funding and capacity of local homeless service providers, such as the Inn Between of Longmont, Hope for Longmont, the OUR Center, and others, who offer a range of essential services and programs for people experiencing homelessness, such as shelter, food, clothing, hygiene, transportation, education, employment, and life skills. These providers play a vital role in meeting the immediate and long-term needs of people experiencing homelessness and helping them transition to stability and self-sufficiency. Enhancing the outreach and engagement efforts of the Longmont Police Department’s Community Health and Resiliency Team (CHaRT), which is a team of police officers and social workers who proactively contact and assist people experiencing homelessness in Longmont. The CHaRT team works to build trust and rapport with people experiencing homelessness, connect them to appropriate services and programs, address any public safety or quality of life issues, and follow up on their progress and well-being.
What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Longmont?
As a candidate for Longmont City Council, I have a plan for creating more affordable housing in Longmont that involves the following actions: Supporting and expanding the existing affordable housing programs and policies that the City of Longmont offers, such as the inclusionary housing ordinance, the attainable housing fund, the fee waiver incentives, and the accessory dwelling units and short-term rentals regulations. These programs and policies aim to increase the supply and diversity of affordable housing options for low- to moderate-income households in Longmont. Partnering and collaborating with other stakeholders and organizations that provide affordable housing services and resources in Longmont, such as the Longmont Housing Authority, the Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership, and various nonprofit and private sector entities. These partnerships and collaborations can help leverage funding, land, and expertise to create more affordable housing projects and programs in Longmont. Exploring and implementing innovative and creative solutions for affordable housing, such as co-housing, community land trusts, tiny homes, modular homes, and mixed-use developments. These solutions can offer alternative and flexible ways of providing affordable housing that meet the diverse needs and preferences of Longmont residents. Engaging and educating the public on the importance and benefits of affordable housing, as well as addressing the challenges and barriers that prevent or limit affordable housing development in Longmont. This can help increase the awareness and support of the community for affordable housing initiatives, as well as foster a culture of inclusion and diversity in Longmont.
How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet some of the City’s climate goals?
I have a strong commitment to address climate change and meet some of the City’s climate goals. One of the ways I will address climate change is by supporting and implementing the Longmont Sustainability Plan, The Plan supports the guiding principles of Envision Longmont while focusing on actions that can be taken over the next ten years to help meet long-term sustainability goals. The Plan utilizes an integrated, relational approach to identify objectives, targets, timelines, and activities in ten primary topic areas, including air quality, buildings and infrastructure, community cohesion and resilience, economic vitality, energy, food system, natural environment, transportation, waste, and water. One of the specific climate goals that I will work to achieve is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 66% by 2030 and 80% by 2050 from a 2005 baseline3. This goal aligns with the Paris Agreement and the Colorado Climate Action Plan. To achieve this goal, I will support and expand the existing programs and policies that the City of Longmont offers.
What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them?
As a city council member, I would have the following goals for transportation in Longmont. To create a complete, balanced, and connected transportation system that integrates land use and transportation planning, enhances the overall quality of life in the city, and supports the vision and goals of Envision Longmont. To improve the safety, mobility and accessibility of all modes of travel, especially for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users, by implementing the Multimodal Transportation Implementation Plan (MTIP) , which includes projects such as the Coffman Street Busway Project2, the Enhanced Multi-use Corridor Plan2, and the Equitable Carbon-Free Transportation Road Map. To address the current and future transportation needs and challenges in the fast-growing southwest part of the city, by pursuing funding and partnerships for nine transportation projects outlined in the Longmont Roadway Plan, with the big one being a tunnel for westbound Colo. 119 lanes at Hover Street and a parallel underground buffered bike and pedestrian crossing. I would achieve these goals by working collaboratively with the city staff, other council members, regional agencies, state and federal governments, and the community stakeholders to prioritize, plan, design, fund and implement these transportation projects. I would also seek public input and feedback throughout the process to ensure that the transportation system reflects the needs and preferences of the Longmont residents and businesses. I believe that by investing in a multimodal and sustainable transportation system, we can enhance the livability, prosperity, and resilience of our city.
How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents?
It is very important to me represent a significant and diverse segment in Longmont. My agent Consuelo Alcaraz will faithfully translate campaign material. As a city council member I would partner with local organizations, schools, libraries, media outlets, and community leaders that serve and represent non-English speaking populations in Longmont. I would seek their input and feedback on city policies, programs, and projects that affect them, as well as collaborate with them on outreach and education efforts to inform and empower non-English speaking constituents.
How does diversity factor into your policy making?
Diversity is a very important factor in my policy making as a Longmont city council member. I believe that diversity is not only a demographic reality, but also a source of strength, innovation, and resilience for our city. As a city council member, I would incorporate diversity into my policy making by. Applying an equity lens to all policies, programs, and projects that affect the Longmont community. This means assessing the potential impacts and benefits of any decision on different groups of people, especially those who are historically marginalized or underrepresented, and taking actions to address any disparities or gaps. Engaging and consulting with diverse stakeholders and community members throughout the policy making process. This means reaching out to people who are directly or indirectly affected by any decision, listening to their perspectives and feedback, and incorporating their input into the final outcomes. Supporting and promoting initiatives that celebrate and enhance the diversity of Longmont. This means recognizing and honoring the contributions and achievements of diverse individuals and groups in our city, supporting cultural events and programs that showcase the richness and diversity of our community, and fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging for all residents.
How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you?
I believe that reaching residents who have different lived experiences than me is essential for a city council member, as it helps me to understand the diverse needs, challenges, and aspirations of the Longmont community. I also believe that reaching out to different residents is a two-way process, where I not only share my views and vision, but also listen and learn from their perspectives and feedback. As a city council member, I would reach residents who have different lived experiences than me by. Being proactive and intentional in reaching out to different groups and individuals in the city, especially those who are often overlooked or underrepresented in the decision-making process. This means visiting different neighborhoods, attending different events, meeting with different organizations, and initiating different conversations with different residents. Being open and respectful in communicating with different residents, regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, or opinions. This means using inclusive and accessible language, acknowledging, and appreciating the diversity of experiences and views, and avoiding any assumptions or stereotypes about any group or individual. Being responsive and accountable to the different residents who contact me or raise any issues or concerns with me. This means following up promptly, providing accurate and relevant information, addressing any questions or complaints, and taking actions to resolve any problems or improve any situations. Being collaborative and supportive of the different residents who want to get involved or make a difference in the city. This means providing opportunities and resources for civic engagement and participation, facilitating dialogue and cooperation among different stakeholders, and empowering and celebrating the leadership and contributions of different residents.
Rank your top 5 issues in priority.
1. Affordability 2. Sustainability 3. Economy 4. Public Safety 5. Education