Candidate: Ron Gallegos
Office: Longmont City Council, Ward 3
Website: rongallegosforcouncil.com
Yes/No Questions – Please answer only with yes/no.
Are you a homeowner? Have been home owner; currently renting
Do you think your City should have a homeless shelter? No-some type of alternative housing-like mini structures; so each has their own space.
If the City police force was fully staffed, would you advocate for adding more officers? No – study to determine if we are making the best use of the force we have. Throwing more money at the problem doesn’t necessarily solve it/improve the situation.
Do you believe there’s a need for more housing? Yes, especially for service workers who are working here but having to travel many miles to their jobs.
Do you believe the City should spend more money on homelessness services? Unclear question. Need to evaluate options before spending money.
General Questions – Please limit responses to 300 words or less.
Why do you want to be a council member?
Having previously served on council [1995-1999] which built the rec center, museum, expanded the Sr. Center, purchased Standstone ranch rec area, started Nextlight -underground broadband cable, passed the 10% affordability program for new building, and delivered a fleet of improved trash trucks thus putting an end to the need for m manual labor on the part of staff. Longmont can do alot to achieve affordable housing while improving the economic environment of commercial/retail business by building vertical units with housing/condos on top and retail/commercial on the ground floor. People would be able to live and work in the same environment, reducing the need for cars, reducing traffic on city streets plus improving the businesses through improved business activity. I think there are things to be done and I want to help to do them.
When was the last time you paid rent, and where was that?
Last month.
When considering new developments, which is more important: density and affordability or preserving neighborhood character?
Density & affordability.
Boulder County has experienced extreme natural disasters over the last decade, including flooding and wildfire. How do you plan to address these challenges?
Long term planning or disaster-management. Be proactive not passive and reactive. A process and a plan need to be developed and practiced.
How do you think you stand out from other candidates? Previous government/business experience. I own my own mortgage brokerage and consulting firm since 2000, previously was a product, line, process, and project manager for U S West Communications for 18 years. I served on the Board of Directors of: The National League of Cities, Hispanic Locally Elected Official-HELO, and the Colorado Municipal. Longrange commissioner Planning and Zoning, served on Transportation Advisory Board, liaison from council to the Library and Museum board, and Economic Area for Longmont-EDAL.
What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot?
What boards and commissions have you served on-what is your real governmental experience, and what your business leadership, management, ownership experience; what can you offer in terms of real world leadership and qualifications.
What are your solutions for the growing population of people experiencing homelessness?
Large problem calling for thoughtful solutions. Need major reform of the system of delivery of mental health and its support to the individual/and community. Need to address the need for employment opportunities for the concerned population.
What’s your plan for creating more affordable housing in Longmont? Mixed developments projects which combine residential/and retail and commercial in traditionally business districts. People would be able to work and live in the same location. Benefits sense of community, positive impact on transportation/environment.
How will you address climate change? How do you plan to meet some of the City’s climate goals?
Need to improve transportation grid, improve mass transit, lessen need for cars and their impact on the environment. Develop goals and measures for achieving those goals with timelines and report cards. Move away from traditional single-family “ranch style” housing to mixed high density owner occupied units.
What are your goals for transportation and how will you achieve them? Move traffic away from Main street to a Bypass onto Airport Road with a link to Highway 66-much of this traffic is pass-through going to all points North-FT Collins, Greeley, Wy, Montana…
How do you plan to engage non-English speaking constituents? Candidate did not provide a response.
How does diversity factor into your policy making? Always Longmont is roughly 30% Hispanic, opportunities for work, play, housing, and employees at the city should reflect that 30% number. Policy must always be gaged in terms of the entire community but must be conscious of the different parts of the community.
How will you reach residents who have different lived experiences than you?
A good leader affords the community the opportunity to interact, through neighborhood visits and listening-session, outreach, and interaction in terms of their needs a bottom-up approach not top-down.
Rank your top 5 issues in priority.
1. Mitigating traffic and its impact on individual neighborhoods in Ward III. Many need traffic slowing and calm devices in place. Plus the use of round-about.
2. Recreation opportunities in NW Ward III and its neighborhoods, this can be accomplished via building a Rec Center at Garden Acres Park.
3. Improve business opportunities in the North West corridor by integrating mixed use housing with residential on top and retail and commercial on the ground floor in the same building.
4. Closing Main street from 3rd Ave to 9th Ave and creating a pedestrian mall. Rerouting traffic and direction of Coffman and Kimbark streets making them One-ways North and South.
5. Changing designation of Highway 287 from Main Street to Airport Road and make it a bypass west of the core downtown business district. Have Airport meet up with Highway 66 via a link.