Louisville City Council breakdown

Vote 2009


Ward I

Vote for Robert Muckle

Michael Menaker, 59, was a member of the Louisville Revitalization Commission, Business Retention and Development Committee and Shop Louisville Committee. Menaker says he is committed to urban renewal plans. He says the biggest problem is the budget shortfall and that Louisville needs to put proposals for new taxes before the voters in 2010. Menaker says he attends almost all City Council and Planning Commission meetings and that he brings in-depth experience with the issues, an understanding of the budget and relationships with the city staff. He says that government, especially local government, can make a positive difference in peoples’ lives.

Incumbent Robert Muckle, 49, was the chairman of the Louisville Open Space Advisory Board and serves as the Louisville representative to the Denver Regional Council of Governments. He is also the chairman of the Louisville Water

Committee. He campaigned for the Louisville Home Rule Charter, Open Government initiative and Historic Preservation Fund. Muckle supported a citizen-driven initiative for citywide curbside recycling and proposed adding composting and says Louisville is now sending almost 50 percent less trash to the landfills. He represented neighborhoods affected by proposed developments and says he’ll make sure that the community’s needs are met in the ConocoPhillips property development.

Menaker plays an active role in the community through his participation on several committees and consistent attendance at City Council meetings, but Muckle has impressed us with his representation of the community through his neighborhood involvement and curbside recycling and composting which has aided the city of Louisville. He deserves another term. Vote for Robert Muckle for Lousiville City Council Ward I.

Ward II

Incumbent Frost Yarnell, a supervisor in the Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services, says that the city is facing harsh economic realities and she would like to help make decisions to keep Louisville thriving. Yarnell says the budget is a main priority. She asks citizens to consider new revenue sources in the form of taxes as well as searching for partnerships that will keep community events alive. Yarnell says she supports development and redevelopment of Louisville that fits in the budget and supports the character of the city. She doesn’t support increasing building heights downtown or in the Highway 42 area. Yarnell says she wants to take an active part in keeping Louisville unique and strong. Yarnell is running unopposed.

Ward III

Vote for Ron Sackett

Incumbent Ron Sackett, 79, served on the City Council Finance Committee, Business Retention and Development Committee, Legal Committee, Board of Adjustment and Coal Creek Homeowners’ Board. Sackett says the revitalization of downtown between Highway 42 and the railroad tracks is a key issue. He says it needs to be done in a way that adds to the attractiveness and diversity of Old Town. Sackett also says

the budget is another issue. He says the City needs to balance the budget without losing any services. Sackett ran four years ago because he wanted to keep Louisville a small city and wanted to encourage the opening of quality businesses.

Larry Brassem, 65, served on the Louisville Senior Advisory Board, Senior Programs Committee and on two homeowners boards. Brassem says that key issues are the falling tax revenues and revitalizing the downtown area. Brassem says he doesn’t want to raise taxes and is willing to assist new and existing businesses downtown. He says the city needs to make the downtown a place where people want to go. Brassem has a bachelor’s and master’s in business from Central Michigan University. He volunteers at the Community Table, Audio Information Network of the Rockies, Louisville Seniors and in various homeowners associations.

Brassem is a seasoned community participant, serving on various boards and committees, but Sackett hits the nail on the head with the revitalization of downtown and balancing the budget. Vote for Incumbent Ron Sackett for Louisville City Council Ward III.