Longmont ballot issues

Vote 2009


Longmont Ballot Issue 2A

Vote Yes.

Longmont Ballot Issue 2A would approve and make effective a Longmont City Ordinance that extends the street system maintenance and improvement portion of the city’s sales tax three-quarters of a cent through Dec. 31, 2016. If voters don’t approve the ordinance, that portion of the sales tax will sunset on Dec. 31, 2011. The sales tax is the primary source of funding used by the city to maintain and service the 307 miles of streets and 600 miles of sidewalks for which it is responsible. It covers expenses such as street patching, street sweeping, snow and ice removal, sidewalk maintenance and improvements, pedestrian underpasses, and sign and signal maintenance. If passed, Ballot Issue 2A would not increase the city’s current sales tax but would extend an already existing tax.

Another sales and use tax extension, Ballot Issue 2A makes good sense to us. Even in times of economic difficulty, there are snowy sidewalks, potholes and malfunctioning street lights. Some of the services funded by 2A are safety issues; others deal with convenience or cosmetic problems. But if the idea is to maintain Longmont as a desirable community for business and for residents, we can’t have dirty streets, potholes, and crumbling sidewalks. Vote YES on Ballot Issue 2A.

Longmont Ballot Question 2B

Vote Yes.

If passed, Ballot Question 2B would authorize the city of Longmont to issue revenue bonds for up to $21,130,000 to finance capital improvements of its wastewater system. These improvements include renovating and replacing the city’s aging wastewater facilities and improving the treatment of wastewater in order to bring the city into alignment with future Environment Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.

This is really a no-brainer. It’s important to make sure the water is cleaned of pollutants and impurities before we release it. Chances are this type of project won’t get any cheaper in the future, and we certainly don’t want

Longmont to be known for having wastewater problems or for failing to meet EPA standards. Vote YES on Ballot Question 2B.

Longmont Ballot Question 2C

Vote Yes.

In 1997, Longmont installed an advanced fiber-optic network in anticipation of bringing the city to the cutting edge of electronic communication. Longmont was ahead of Boulder in providing citizens with citywide wireless Internet. And now Longmont City Council is asking citizens to permit it to offer telecommunications services, high-speed Internet and cable television services to residential and commercial users within the city’s utilities service area. If voters pass Ballot Question 2C, the city government will be authorized to provide these services independently or to contract with others to provide them. Those in favor of 2C say that its passage would enable the city to make full use of its fiber-optic network while also making the city more attractive and competitive to business and to residents.

Unlike most municipalities in the area, Longmont owns its own utilities. Permitting the city to capitalize on its fiber optic network makes great sense and would enable the city to take another step forward in making itself a town that appeals to the businesses of the digital age. It’s convenient for residents, too. Vote YES on Ballot Question 2C.

Ballot Question 2D

Yes – No

This ballot issue asks voters to decide whether they wish to retain Municipal Judge Diana VanDeHey in office for another two years. We found some arguments in favor of voting her out of office made by one person who seemed to have an ax to grind. But most comments about VanDeHey have been positive. Lacking any concrete reason to call for her ouster, we support retaining her in office for another two years. Vote YES on Ballot Question 2D.