

Drunk on power



Giving birth in chains

  I first learned about the shackling of inmates in labor back in 1999 after Amnesty International did its study of the issue and made its findings public. What I read in that report, titled “Not Part of My Sentence: Violations of the Human Rights of Women in ...

Howard Zinn, the people’s historian

On Jan. 27, America lost Howard Zinn. A World War II bombardier, a historian, an author and professor, Zinn challenged the way Americans look at their nation and themselves with the publication of his 1980 book A People’s History of the United States. Though right-...

Let nipples roam free

Boulder City Council members Macon Cowles and Lisa Morzel...

Anti-abortion activists like Roeder akin to Christian terrorists

It’s a good thing that a Witchita, Kan., jury found Scott...

There’s no easy fix for homelessness

Back in 1929, Boulder’s respectable folks called it “The Jungle.” Historical photographs from Boulder’s Carnegie Library show men and women standing in the mud among the shanties, shacks and tents they called home. Back in the day, local newspapers referred to these ...

New Age outrage

It’s a terrible lesson the New Age community has been dealt. Whether that lesson has been learned remains to be seen...