Pantywaist politicians
The Colorado Court of Appeals has ruled that elected officials can vote by secret ballot on controversial issues, even during public meetings. Specifically, the court upheld the dismissal by a lower court of a lawsuit against the City of Fort Morgan, claiming that ...
Why people growl about dogs on open space
The dog — a mix of some kind — stepped out of the undergrowth, padded through the small stream that bisects the Mesa Trail just south of Chautauqua and caught up with its owner. Its face was full of porcupine quills...
Their rights, our rights
The universe is full of mysteries — such as why anyone would eat at Chick-fil-A in the first place. The fried chicken chunks chain found itself in the spotlight for its owner Dan Cathy’s anti-gay religious beliefs after posturing politicians, including Chicago ...
‘Birth control moms’ fight back
On Feb. 20, Rush Limbaugh said there was no such voting block as “birth control moms,” suburban married mothers for whom contraception is a key issue...
Room to breathe
It’s time for Coloradans to take a hard look at hydraulic fracturing — fracking — and a critical view of those state lawmakers who are more interested in sucking up to the gas and oil lobby than protecting their constituents...
There’s no easy fix for homelessness
Back in 1929, Boulder’s respectable folks called it “The Jungle.” Historical photographs from Boulder’s Carnegie Library show men and women standing in the mud among the shanties, shacks and tents they called home. Back in the day, local newspapers referred to these ...
Tim Leifield raised awareness about HIV/AIDS in Boulder County
I met Tim Leifield in the late summer of 2006 at a table in front of CaffeSolé. In the midst of doing interviews for what became a five-part seriesabout the history of HIV/AIDS in Boulder County, I wanted to get hisperspective as the first director of Boulder County ...
Say no to corporate personhood
On Tuesday, July 19, Boulder City Council will hear from members of Boulder Move to Amend, who are asking council members to place a measure on the November 2011 ballot that would call for the abolition of “corporate personhood” — the granting of constitutional ...
Rethinking pink
The furor over the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood for cancer screenings (and then reversal) revealed the questionable nature of the foundation’s policies and the strength of a quiet majority that refuses to allow extremists ...
Women are not farms
I spent an afternoon some time ago with a master composter who, while helping me improve my composting game, offered this summation of our consumer-based economic system: “It’s all about making more people to sell more shit to...
Hospital fails rape test
Some Colorado hospitals may not be up to the task of treating rape victims. That’s one possible conclusion after the recent release of the arrest affidavit in the rape case against Denver Bronco cornerback Perrish Cox...