

Drunk on power



Science and contraception

If we want to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, we would do well to pay attention to the results of two recent studies on contraception. Both show that long-term methods of birth control, in particular the intrauterine device, are far ...

City Council helps gardens grow

Human hands. Earth. Seeds. Water. Sunlight...

Their rights, our rights

The universe is full of mysteries — such as why anyone would eat at Chick-fil-A in the first place. The fried chicken chunks chain found itself in the spotlight for its owner Dan Cathy’s anti-gay religious beliefs after posturing politicians, including Chicago ...

Mental health care, not gun laws

In the aftermath of the Aurora theater massacre, we’ve seen an understandable, if misguided, call for tighter gun control, including a renewed ban on “assault weapons...

City attorneys and politics

It’s time for Boulder voters to consider a fundamental change in how the People’s Republic is run. Specifically, it’s time to look closely at transitioning the post of city attorney from an appointed position to an elected one...

Deadly drunk driving

Heather Surovik, 27, started out the morning of July 5 heavily pregnant and surely wondering when she would go into labor. That afternoon, she got into her car with her mother and 5-year-old son — and her life was changed irrevocably...

Rapists in the ranks

When Fox News commentator Liz Trotta addressed the topic of sexual assault in the military this past February, telling her audience that women who serve should “expect” to get raped, she seemed barely able to conceal her contempt for U.S. servicewomen — at least ...

Passing the tipping point

Let’s take a moment from sweating in this record-breaking heat and the catastrophic fires to think about something even less pleasant — the end of the world as we know it...

Protesting is our right

The first time I heard about the disgusting concept of “free speech zones” at protests, it was at big national political conventions leading up to the 2004 presidential election...

Prairie dog poisoning shows need for protection

Colorado Horse Rescue performs an important mission. A nonprofit, CHR provides shelter, veterinary care, rehabilitation and adoption services for horses that have been abused and neglected. Through this compassionate care, CHR saves equine lives. It’s ...

Banning the dirty frackers

If a group of Longmont citizens has its way, Longmont will become the first city in Colorado to ban hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking,” within the city limits...

A test for ‘Make My Day’

A sound wakes you from deep sleep. For a moment, you think it must have been your imagination. Then you hear it again — movement inside your house — and you realize that it’s real. A stranger has invaded your home in the dead of night...