Chocolate Conversation Heart Sugar Cookies
I promise this won’t be a Valentine’s Day column full of lovey-dovey shizz...
Superchunk Super Bowl Cookies
The burning question of the week: What will you be indulging in come Super Bowl Sunday...
Chocolate Glazed Clementine Torte
Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my daaaaaarling ... any guesses what’s front and center in this week’s dessert? Hopefully you know the song, otherwise you are just annoyed that I repeated myself and are wondering who is this darling that I speak of...
Gluten-Free Chocolate Fudge Brownies
The gluten-free recipe is finally here. I know you were on the edge of your seats with my empty promises time and time again. But ta da! Gluten-Free Chocolate Fudge Brownies...
Oatmeal Trail Mix Cookies
So, last week I gave you a “healthy” muffin recipe. I must say, I got a great response and decided I shall become the Muffin Man, I mean the Muffin Woman. I already have a muffin top, so I have a jump-start. Come on, that’s funny...
Spiced Orange Chocolate Chip Cookie Loaf
Holy Snickerdoodles — 2010 is upon us! Time for all that lovely resolution-making. I resolved long ago to stop making them (not Snickerdoodles, resolutions). So far so good. Yay for me. It’s so nice to know that when the end of January rolls around and I’m still ...
Winter desserts
I'm so honored that our trusty weather gurus listened to me. Snow, snow, went away and won’t come back ... well until at least next week...
White Chocolate Popcorn Surprise
Dear almighty weather person, please warm this joint up! Yes, yes, it’s just beautiful. The snow covering the Flatirons is like frosting on a cupcake. The holiday lights twinkling through the cold white stuff is like something out of a fairytale. But what about my ...
White Chocolate Pumpkin Swirl Pie
I'm happy to report that this week will be another pumpkin dessert — please, please hold your applause...