A fracking credibility gap
On Nov. 6, the city charter of Longmont banned fracking from its city limits...
The next NAFTA, but worse
You can win some impressive victories against corporate power on the local level. Boulder voters declared that corporations aren’t people and money isn’t speech. Cities across Colorado (and other states) have passed fracking bans and moratoriums...
Danish is wrong on guns
In his op-ed “Repeal the 2nd Amendment? How about the First?” (Dec. 27), Paul Danish erroneously tries to equate my call to repeal the Second Amendment with censorship and then disingenuously suggests that if the Second Amendment is repealed then the First Amendment ...
We need justice on foreclosure fraud
Investigative reporter David Dayen calls foreclosure fraud “the largest consumer fraud in the history of the United States.” He cites “multitudes of evidence about fake documents, forged documents, illegal foreclosures, foreclosures on military members while they ...
A fracking threat to children
We’ve all seen (or at least heard of) the movie Erin Brockovich, in which a bold and fiercely determined mom takes on a chemical company for exposing a small town and the families and children that live there to toxic chemicals that have been linked to cancer. It’s ...
For kids’ health, Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel both deserve the...
As part of an effort to snuff out youth smoking, selling candy-, fruit- and spice-flavored cigarettes is now illegal in the United States...
Stand up for Walmart workers
Courageous Walmart workers have been striking and committing civil disobedience around the country...
Taking care of our least fortunate
In 1992, Rush Limbaugh ridiculed Boulder Mayor Leslie Durgin for saying, “We don’t want to become the kind of community where everyone is white, upper-middle class. ... We really want to have a diverse community...
Passing the TPP: Not so fast
A rebellion is breaking out in the Democratic Party, but it’s not like the 1960s when the party was torn apart over the Vietnam War and civil rights for blacks. In those days, Democrats were united in support of the New Deal/Great Society approach to economics. Today...
A baby step out of the shadows
Outside a 300,000-squarefoot building in a run-down Aurora neighborhood on Aug. 5, a lively, ethnically diverse crowd of some 80 people marched, sang and chanted...
State of the Union: What I needed to hear
I felt great after the Jan. 27 State of the Union address...