Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

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The crusade against contraception

The birth control pill turned 50 years old last month. This marked a milestone in the world of contraception — for women, sexuality and reproductive health and family planning. Of course, women have always had a ways of preventing pregnancy. In 1500 B.C., ...

Fresh Raspberry Muffins

And just like that, it’s legal to wear white pants again. Memorial Day has come and gone, and now starts my bevy of freshberry and no-bake desserts. Of course, it is also shorts season, so perhaps I will break out some low-fat, low-sugar, help-the-cellulite-...

The sex behind population control

As taboo as it is to talk about sexual pleasure in the bedroom, talking about population control can be even more contentious. We need to have sex to make babies — that’s obvious. But in a world that is running out of room and resources, we would do well to ...

Human weeds

Sleep," a journalist friend of mine used to say, “is for the weak.” That’s what the residents of Boulder seem to believe. While readily conceding their own weakness as they crawl into their comfy beds each night, they spare nary a thought for the dozens of men ...

Key Lime Squares

In the powerful words of my musical muse Huey Lewis, “It’s hip to be square.” If Huey says so, then it’s good enough for me. You know, the ongoing tough decision. Bars or squares. This question can haunt a Dessert Diva in her sleep. Luckily, my love for bad ’80s ...

Eight spheres of intimacy

When I was a little infant sexologist, my first mentor was Professor Dr. Marilyn Volker, sexuality educator extraordinaire. I remember her emphasizing that sex was not solely about genital friction or the variety of erotic activities in which one could engage. ...

Hot Springs Are the Fountain of Youth

Dear Pharmacist,  I saw your facebook pictures of hot springs in Utah and you said that you’d actually fly to hot springs to get their healing benefits. This may be personal, but are you sick?  What’s in the water that is so healing? I’m curious because around here, ...

Almond Apple Pan Dowdy

  Boy howdy, am I excited for some pan dowdy...

Experiential sex ed

  Like taking a tour through Glacier Ice Cream, sex education comes in many flavors. One flavor offers abstinence-based education, the message of which is to refrain from sex before marriage. Another flavor is a comprehensive sex education that includes an ...

How Drug Muggers Can Slowly Steal the Life Out of You

Dear Pharmacist,I bought your Drug Muggers book and learned that coffee is stealing iron from my body. I’ve had chronic fatigue for years, and now that I’m supplementing with the iron, I’m feeling MUCH better, so thank you! I’m not giving up coffee though. Suzy, ...