Content Archives

This is an archive for categories that are no longer being maintained but is used to historically categorize older articles.

Heather Cracraft — 2023 Superior Home Rule Charter Commission Candidates

Tell us a little bit about your personal and/or professional background and why it makes you a good fit for the commission (I.e., how...

Gingerbread Star Cookies

  Just a spoon full of sugar makes my desserts taste sweet. OK, “helps the medicine go down” is actually the way that tune rolls, but adding my own lyrics makes me feel oh-so-creative and musician-y...

For kids’ health, Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel both deserve the...

As part of an effort to snuff out youth smoking, selling candy-, fruit- and spice-flavored cigarettes is now illegal in the United States...

Boulder Candidates and Ballot Measures

Candidates We sent questionnaires to each of the candidates running for Boulder City Council and Mayor in 2023. Visit this page to see each candidate’s answers. Mayor First choice:...

Fresh popsicles

It's hot as Hades up in here, and I must say, bring it on! I’m in the air conditioning, of course, but bring it...

Pumpkin Spice Bread with Cheesecake Filling

Ah, Halloween is over, and on to Christmas we go. Wait, Thanksgiving comes first, even though these days, who would know? I happen to love Thanksgiving and everything that comes along with it. Some things just go together naturally, sugar and spice, football and beer...

Buffs defeat Arizona with solid defense

The 2011-12 edition of Colorado basketball may not be as...

Super Charge your Electrical System with Coconuts

Dear Pharmacist,My son is a lineman who climbs a lot in heat of the desert here in California. He sweats so much with all the equipment he wears that it makes him cramp. He drinks plenty of water and Gatorade. Besides foods high in potassium, can he take a supplement...

Spiced Orange Chocolate Chip Cookie Loaf

Holy Snickerdoodles — 2010 is upon us! Time for all that lovely resolution-making. I resolved long ago to stop making them (not Snickerdoodles, resolutions). So far so good. Yay for me. It’s so nice to know that when the end of January rolls around and I’m still ...

Lyons Ordinance 871

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